My thoughts on so called iPhone killers.
The iPhone changed the way we looked at phones. It was a simple yet revolutionary concept, no buttons and a large touch screens. Yet, companies like LG, HTC, and Motorola we’re running scared. All of a sudden those companies came out with so called “iPhone killers”. Now I will give some examples that came close or failed HARD.
LG Voyager
The LG Voyager was one of the first phones to be marketed as a “iPhone killer”. People thought it would kill the iPhone because it has a real keyboard and live tv. What happened? I rarely see people with one. Some people didn’t even notice that it went out on the market. People we’re fanboys of this phone, now I rarely see people like that. LG, you failed hard with this one.
Samsung Instinct
This was one of Sprints/Samsung’s first phone to be marketed as an “iPhone killer”. It did good at first but now it looks like its an LG Voyager. Then with iPhone OS 3.0 it looks like the Samsung Instinct will fail soon. Now with the Samsung Instinct S30 it looks like the fail will come even sooner, since it has EVDO Rev. 0, which is slower than EVDO Rev. A.
Palm Pre
Now this looks like this might be the iPhone killer. Palm was dead in the water before the Pre. With the new webOS, it looks promising. It has most of the features that the iPhone has and more. With the Pre you can run applications in the background, unlike the iPhone. Also this is the first 4G (WiMax) phone on Sprints network. This phone also has Flash, and a wireless charging dock. Although, the thing that might turn people away is that way that Sprint does business. Most smart phones, like the Pre will usually use Sprints Simply Everything plan. As from the title it has unlimited everything, at $100 per month. Which is $20 more than the iPhones plan on AT&T. Also I have heard from friends that their bill comes over $120, which some people cant afford. Overall the Palm Pre looks very promising.
Blackberry Storm
The Blackberry Storm was RIMs response to the iPhone. This phone received much criticism due to its touch screen where you at to click it, not tap it like the iPhone. Also the OS seemed to lag much, unlike where it is smooth in the commercials. Also there we’re problems with the web browser. Overall, the problems affected sales, and it wasn’t much of a “iPhone Killer”
Final Words
The iPhone has been on top since 2007. With the app store and iPhone OS 3.0, it looks like it will be that way for years to come. Will there ever be a phone that will kill the iPhone?
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Reader Comments (3)
I agree with you on everything except the LG Voyager portion. You said you rarely see anyone with the phone anymore? Well at my school of 1500+ students, every 3 out of 5 kids have the titanium lg voyager. Maybe it is just your area, but a LOT of people like the voyager.
Good, but you forgot to mention the G1, and BB 8900. While the BB 8900 is not a touch screen device, I still consider it an iPhone killer. I have used an iPhone and I think that the 8900 that I have now is much better and is far superior.
I have to disagree with your thoughts on the BB Storm. After using the iphone and then switching over to the BB storm, i have to say that the BB Storm is far superior. E-mail is better, the phone plan is cheaper and better, the internet is faster and better, no matter where i go, I always have a signal, the memory chip inside is expandable to 32 GB. The new iphone due for June may be better, but right now, the prize goes to the BB Storm.