Congratulations David & Twitter Campaign
Congratulations for graduating David, you have officially left college and are part of the class of 2009!
I hope you learned a lot from college, and we (your fans) are here to support you all the way, whichever career you decide to persue, I hope that you persue a career a job that you enjoy, like Graphic Design.
Since I live in the UK, and can't go to the US to congratulate you in person, i though why not help you through twitter.
I have launched a campaign where we are trying to get you to become the no.1 trend on twitter!
If you want to be part of the campaign retweet this message:
RT @msiddique1994: Lets make @thecreativeone for graduating no.1 trend on twitter #thecreativeone #classof2009 #graduation
P.S. I included my username @msiddique so that I can monitor the amount of people who have retweeted, and then I will update the number of people who have participated!
5 people have already aprticipated, can we make it to 1,000?
You be the judge by retweeting!

Reader Comments (1)
Mahdi, thank you very much for this! Your support is much appreciated.