App Review: TweetMyFace
I recently purchased ‘TweetMyFace’ for 99¢ in the App Store. TweetMyFace stands for Twitter, MySpace, & FaceBook; this app updates the three major social networking sites’ statuses at once.The app is simple & straightforward with a four tab navigation. The four tabs include: post status, current status, history, & accounts.
- Post Status: sign in to your Twitter, MySpace, & FaceBook account & select which account you want updated with a simple “on” or “off” switch.
- Current Status: displays your current status on Twitter, MySpace, & FaceBook.
- History: lists the statuses posted through TweetMyFace & to what social network.
- Accounts: displays the accounts that are enable for use with TweetMyFace.
This app is useful for updating statuses only! This app doesn’t display other user’s updates, retweets, @ replies or anything. This app is only for updating! This seems to be the only con about this app. Overall, I like this app & use it everyday.
Grade: A+
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