Games, Haters, Rumors... and Mountain Dew?
Let me start this blog with a simple note. I have noticed that several of my readers have decided to go against Dave, the owner of this site, and found it amusing to post very disturbing hate comments about him. Please stop this. If you do not like Dave or his views, then do not visit this site. And please, please stop with all this "have my baby's, I want you inside of me" crap. It's creepy. Ok, thanks for listening to my lecture... and now onto some news. Fable 3 was announced today, and judging from the trailer... I think it'll be pretty epic. In this game you play as ruler of Albion, but it was not said if the ruler is the character from the second game. Guess we'll have to wait until late 2010. The Lost Planet 2 demo came out today on Xbox Live, and it's pretty good. Not amazing, but a decent game I'll most likely rent. You and three other friends will be able to take down the game’s first boss... a creature that’s the size of the white house and looks like your mom. Several rumors are spreading across the web, one including Microsoft’s idea of changing the 360's look. Multiple sources claim that they are doing this for the new Natal release, and plan on making bundles with the two. Uhm, cool I guess? Maybe this batch of Xbox's will not include the Red Rings of Death. That stuff is my herpes, and only a one month wait of shipping back and forth to Microsoft will cure it. For all you Mountain Dew lovers, Dewmocracy is back! There will be three new flavors of the Diabetes filled drink shipping out to stores soon, but alas I do not know what they are. I, personally, am crossing my fingers for a pink bubblegum/chocolate swirl flavor. That would be godly.

Reader Comments (10)
if dave does not twitter about this im going to start investigating
<3 you PA forever
call me ;)
This was your best blog yet. I am still requesting you make your own website, I'm sure you will have many more fans. As for these haters...this one hater to be exact... I dont see how you've changed as being a writer really. You're still the same in-your-face comedian that attracts all these people to this site. I agree with Balley, I dont know why Dave refuses to mention you in any of his tweets or vids. He does this for every little apple update.
I LOVE YOU PA!!!!!!!
The server logs the IP address of everyone who posts a comment. Dave can easily see that the person who's leaving the comments is not PA.
@Juan: Using foul language does not make you sound older nor does it make your arguments more convincing. Oh yes, and the "D" in "raw dog" shouldn't have been capitalized. You were so close, keep working on the grammar. You'll get it!
@Everyone else: If you like PA's writing, well, good on you. If you don't like it then leave a constructive comment. It's really quite simple.
OK EVERYONE LISTEN UP. I'm getting sick and tried of these 12 year olds coming on to this site, saying random curse words, and thinking you are better than anyone. It's just like saying random words. First, GROW UP and BE MATURE. David made this site just for us, his viewers, and he can sure take it away. Oh and calm down everyone. Its just a blog post! Also PA, I really like your writing. You really should make a blog of your own. Keep that in mind. :)
Wow, This site used to be nice. Now looking at the comments it turned into
YEes clearly no one likes this website when it gets thousands of views each day.
Pa is a god sent from heaven he makes this blog entertaining. He is a masterpiece all these apple blogs get boring after a while, Pa is the only reason i come to this site. Pa should make a website, youtube, and get a twitter becase i will sub to all of them. Keep writing.
I come here simply for humor's sake. In all honesty the blog posts are poorly written, one sided, and lack a lot of background knowledge and facts. A good majority of the posts are uneducated and based on opinion rather than fact. I understand that most of the blog posters are young but that's no excuse for such poorly written "informational" news pieces. I'm sure most people go to Engadget, Electronista, or AnandTech for the real tech news.