Why The Hate?
As all of you frequent users of the social blog, made here by David Di Franco (A.K.A. thecreativeone), know that a writer by the username Personally Addicted had made a post on the social blog talking about a not so family friendly topic. It was then taken down by David, stating that-
Removing the previous blog entry has nothing to do with being creative. It's called having respect for my readers. In other words I try not to have anything too inappropriate published on the Social Blog. This is a website intended for all ages. If you want to discuss a subject like porn, I suggest going somewhere else. This is a family friendly website and always will be.
This is a family friendly website and always will be, which makes sense considering most of the subjects here on the blog are tech not porn. This is David's blog and he cares and knows what is put on here and won't allow what he doesn't think is suitable for young or all age of the users on the blog. Being as that is people are still hating on David for taking that post down. I don't know David personally and I don't know Personally Addicted personally either, but I am making this blog to show you why we should just forgive and forget about that post and the following events. Personally Addicted has continued to post and they are good and pretty funny which he should continue. Everyone must still remeber that this is David's site. This post can be taken down by him and I have no objection to it, I am making this to get that point out.
If you want to have a word with me you can talk to me on iChat- AppleGuy1000@AIM.com or email me at appleguy1000@ymail.com
Thanks, Gagan

Reader Comments (11)
Quit cluttering up the tech news with posts like these. Disable comments and move on. As per the title this is a "technology news" blog not a "kids talking about their hurt feelings" blog.
I understand what you are saying man and I want the tech back as well, but I wanted to get this out.
I have to agree with you there, JimmyJ.
Im not trying to bash anyone here but i thought this was a social blog a "blogging platform for everyone". Now i understand that PA's porn blog was out of line but we need to forget about it dave has forgiven him and PA has written great movie and console reviews.
I'm sorry, but I had to comment on what you said JimmyJ. This is not a complete tech news blog... this is a social blog. Gagan is being social, in the SOCIAL blog. Thank you for making this entry Moorthy, it really means alot :)
No problem Personally Addicted, you continue to make those humorous posts!
The first comment says this is a tech news blog? No it is not, Dave said himself you blog what you feel like bloging on this site. Just not porn.
I don't understand what is so offensive about the word "porn". He did not post any inappropriate content, no nudity or links (or so i believe). I understand Dave has a lot of 12 year olds following him, but every 12 year old knows what porn is, especially since they are on the internet.
magruber, that's not the point. This is a family friendly website. Everyone may be aware of what porn is, but it's not tolerated here. It's called having good ethics and I am going to stick by that.
Maintaining a website alone is hard to do, Maintaining a site like this must take alot of David's valueable time up! He doesn't do it for himself. He does it for us! We should at least show him respect and abide by a few basic rules for him! Also David recently opened a forum which again will be more work for David, As much as David I am sure maintains it for himself he does it for us aswel and that is something some of us don't take in hand. Most people on this website are very geniune, friendly, helpful etc, but some are just out to ruin it and kudos to David stopping it.
Oops! I forgot to log in for my last comment.