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Game Previews: Scribblenauts (DS)

With under a month to the release, it's time to give Scribblenauts a look. If you don't know anything about it (shame on you!), then here's a quick run down:

"Scribblenauts' idea is simple. There are two types of level, puzzle and action. In each one you have a goal to reach. Whether it's knocking a Starite (the thing that effectively ends the level) out of a tree or knocking down some bottles without touching them personally, you have the one thing that will win you all levels. A notebook. When you touch the notebook button you write a noun (things like torch, cushion to various internet memes like keyboard cat and GAF) then the object appears. There are over 40,000 nouns in the game with a physics system and personality system. To get a starite out of a tree you could get a ball and throw it at the starite or get a beaver to cut it down. Get a lumberjack to cut it down. The possibilities are endless. Even a level editor is included. This is a handheld game with a physics system, that is amazing enough."

If you aren't excited for the game after reading that I don't know what to say. The game effectively challenges your imagination and provides endless gameplay. There are so many words in the game and so many levels, the actual challenge is trying not to mess around but try and beat the levels. One of the best ideas comes into play as soon as you turn the game on. Before you get to the menu, the game puts you in sandbox mode. Mess around for hours, even days in a sandbox mode. Feel free to put in any words you want and play out your stories. Maybe create a long level on the level editor, give your character a shotgun and shoot your way to the end? That's the most basic idea ever and it sounds so much fun because of the premise which is amazing. This game ranks among the likes of LittleBigPlanet in which the game can last as long as you want it to, which can be forever if you want it to. It really depends on your imagination. People have bought DS's FOR the game and it's boding well on sites like Amazon.

I know I've been riding the hype train and will be getting off on release day (15th September NA, 25th September EU). The question is, will you take up the challenge and test your imagination?

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