Nintendo Game Boy: 20 Years Later
It's been an incredible 20 years since Nintendo released the revolutionary GameBoy to the world. The GameBoy attracted much attention and it was primarily the first ever hand-held gaming console to sell in the millions back during the 1980's to 1990's.
Twenty years ago on this day (before I was born), my father went out and bought the GameBoy for $179 and gave it to my brother as a birthday present. Then finally, I came into this world and lived half my childhood with that GameBoy in my hand. Time passed by and I 've moved several times since the GameBoy came into my possession and slowly I completely forgot about it's existence. Luckily, only 2 days ago, I found it again and my dad told me that it has been exactly 20 years since he bought that exact GamBoy. I changed the batteries with exuberance and to my astonishment it worked somewhat perfectly. I was so excited and decided to do a video on it. Hope you enjoy and please subscribe. =)

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