How will you buy the iSlate?
The godSlate that Apple is supposedly releasing this year will need to be sold efficiently and quickly to keep up with demand. There may be a huge amount of people buying it on opening day, and that may raise some issues.
The first iPhone sold very quickly, but not as quickly as the 3G, which knocked out Apple servers on opening daydue to immense amount of sales. This was the first iPhone that required in-store activation. Apple learned their lesson, and when the iPhone 3GS came out, there weren't any hiccups. They allowed you to reserve the iPhone online, and then pick it up in stores, or have it mailed to you. The 3GS sold as many as the 3G, but it was flawless this time. And, it's gotten even better… Apple does not have to physically activate iPhones that are purchased in stores by opening them up at the checkout counter. They just scan them with the new iPod Touch checkout systems.

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