How will you interact with a tablet?
Think different.
Apple has always been a company of wow. The Mac introduced the GUI. The iPod introduced the click wheel. The iPhone introduced multitouch. Every time Apple releases a new major platform, they totally rock the boat. You may hate Apple. You may hate the products, but they reset the new standards of the whole industry. The Mac led to Windows. The iPod led to the Zune. The iPhone led to Android, and the Pre. Every Apple product does something really cool, and eventually it may not seem that awesome, after all the new devices have that feature, but do you remember how cool the iPhone looked when it was released? How utterly shocking? How gorgeous? Well, Apple would be pretty unwise to release a new platform without some giant feature. Something TOTALLY new. Imagine being in the world of command line, and then seeing a "mouse." The tablet will not just be a big iPhone. It'll be much more.
And I think the killer feature, or at least one of them, will be three-dimensional hand gestures. It's new, and it's pretty freaking cool. Not to mention, Apple files a patent for such a product just before the anticipated product release date. This will be the future of computing. And it would destroy the Wii.
All I can say is, if you're using the tablet by waving your fingers through the air, people who don't know what it is you're doing will give you an odd look.

After looking at the technologies required, I have come to realize that 3D gestures are not as likely as originally proposed. Multiple heat-sensitive cameras would be needed for such a feature. I do the THE killer feature could be a Pixel Qi e-ink-color video hybrid.
But we really never know. Apple has a way of introducing products that are in a whole other dimension, totally unpredictably. Look at the first iPhone mockups by concept rumor artists

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