Will you be switching to Verizon?
We almost definitely know the iPhone will come out on Verizon. Will you be switching over?
Nobody complained about AT&T before the iPhone came out because no phone ever used so much bandwidth. No phone was so data intensive. AT&T was not prepared and their network quality took a large dive; dropped calls, fluctuating reception; just really crappy overall service.
But is Verizon prepared? If everyone with an iPhone switches to Verizon, then will Verizon become just as bad as AT&T? And will AT&T have less users, and therefore have more bandwidth available to the customer? Will AT&T's quality go up?
I guess we'll see. Because I do think that AT&T will get much better when everyone's on Verizon. I think I'll stick with AT&T when I buy my next iPhone. Then if Verizon can put up with the network load, I will go with them for the next iPhone.

Reader Comments (1)
Well should Apple release an iPhone for Verizon, I don't think there will be a mass exodus from AT&T because a lot of people are not out of there 2 year contract and I'm sure not to many would be will to pay an ETF.