How to View Blocked Websites: The Safest Way
Tired of not being able to update your status or tweet what fight happened at school today on the spot? Now you can with the easy, no virus 100% legit way. Here is how to view blocked websites through IP addresses.
Submitted by
Jacob Fintzy
Oct 12, 2010 at 9:02 PM

Reader Comments (7)
My school doesn't have Macs, but i'm pretty sure the school would block Terminal.
Then try PC, I believe there is a command program that does the same thing.
On the PC's at my high school we used the command "tracert 'insert URL'" in the command prompt. Then enter the ip of the website into your browser. It worked great; until they blocked the ip's too... lol
Bring your own laptop and install HotSpot Shield. Works every time.
This is cool for people that don't know about about how domains work and all that. Sort of like a tiny-tiny lesson.
Also, this was in a video from Household Hacker 2 days ago. They mention two more ways to get around this. Here's the video: How to View Blocked Websites - Youtube
A typical look at does reflects your wealth, status and ability..replica hermes|
All you have to do at our school is type https:// and you get around the blocks.