Apple Daily 10/28/10
On Thursday the 28th we didn't see to much, the TSA has been swept by Apple design, we got a few updates for mac power audio users, and some tasty fall numbers.
TSA clears Apple's 11-inch MacBook Air to stay in carry-on at airports
As you can see in the original article from AppleInsider the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) is now allowing that slim 11 inch MBA to stay closed away in your carry on bags. Unlike bigger computers with real HDD's and Optical Drives, the MacBook Air does not have to go through screening at the checkpoint for carry ons. All other computers are still under the rule though, but no word on the 13" Air. Only time can tell.
Apple issues Mac Pro EFI firmware, Logic updates
Apple put out a few updates to the the Mac Pro EFI Firmware, it prevents an issue with the firmware password prompt from showing up, and stands at 1.96MB.
Logic got a little booster shot by fixing many issues including the hyperthreading of the 6-12 cores on the newer Mac Pro's. Also you can now get REX files in 64 bit mode.
Apple beats Microsoft in fall quarterly revenues
So Steve's team managed to beat out Balmer in the Fall Quarter by dropping $20.34billion opposed to Micro's $16.20billion. That's a nice $4.14billion record difference. Taking a look at the numbers Microsoft didn't improve much from last quarter and apple is going for the sky.
That's it for today guys, and remember that I will be posting these EVERYDAY! If you want news and behind the scenes info on my channel or my writing here I am on
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