Facebook Event
Last week Facebook invited members of the press to its headquartes in Palo Alto, California for a special "Mobile Event". The event is scheduled to take place at 10 am on November 3rd. Facebook has never made its own phone, although it has made applications for all the major platforms (except the iPad). With the event just around the corner, I thought it would be great to speculate about what could be produced at the event:
Voice Chat:
Its possible that Facebook would launch an addition to the Facebook chat feature which would allow users to voice chat. This could be integrated into their apps for mobile phones, and the online version of the the site. The two cups on the two peoples ears on the invite, imply something to do with sound, so maybe this is it?
Video Chat:
Another possibility is that Facebook could launch a video chat feature. It would incude voice chat. Again, this could be integrated into their mobile apps, as well as their online site. These would both be great additions to the current Facebook chat which is very limited to only text and emoticons.
A more likely announcement to come out of this event is probably a Facebook Phone. This would probably have a ton of integration with their social network. Things like Facebook mail, photos, videos, events, and wall posts. It could possibly run a modified version of Android, or maybe even their own OS. This would be a great product with many features, mainly aimed at teens. It may even have a video chat built in. A posible name for this product would be FacePhone.
Let us know what you think in the comments!