Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 with Redsn0w
First, I only recommend for iPhone 3G, new iPhone 3GS and non MC model iPod Touch (2nd generation) as these are all untethered jailbreaks. This will also jailbreak an iPad or any other iDevice but they will be tethered. Personally, I'd wait for another jailbreak rather than getting a tethered one. Also, this upgrades your baseband so if you need to unlock don't use it. Ultrasn0w update should be out Sunday or Monday. Happy Turkey Day! I'm thankful for all the dev team's hard work.
Submitted by
Kenny Hirt (iPhone4idiots.com)
Nov 25, 2010 at 3:12 PM in
Jailbreaking tagged
iPhone jailbreaking

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