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Non iPad Tablets: Just Stop

The iPad has won. It's over. Why other companies still want to continue making tablets that are unresponsive, useless, and just bad is a mystery. It seems that Apple are the only people who can make touch screens, as all, repeat all of the non-Apple touch screens I have tried have been really really awful. 

The other issue of course when you have a tablet is what OS you have and honestly, again Apple easily triumphs. They came up with the whole app idea, Android has less Apps, and even with the new Gingerbread update, it still won't cut it.

Besides, the Apple UI is just so much nicer. Nice little icons, whereas Android has several different screen layouts and is, let's face it, pretty disorganised. So if hardware wise AND software wise other tablets are not up to standard, the other companies should just save the effort and try to innovate and invent something new for once.

Apple are always the company who come out with the revolutionary ideas, and everybody steals them. Windows 7 is basically a really bad, virus filled version of Mac OS X and to honest, I'm surprised Apple haven't launched a big lawsuit against Windows yet. I'm not an Apple fanboy in any way, but I do think they easily make the best products (even though a few, like the new Nano, are horrible to be polite). My message to other companies is simple, to recap: INNOVATE and DON'T STEAL. 

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Reader Comments (13)

*I think you meant "The iPad has WON*"

Anyway , you say you're not a apple fanboy but you come across very much so. Apple file a law suit against Microsoft? What could they possible do that for? Mac OS and Windows are completely different type of operating systems. And if you are trying to say that Microsoft are copying Apple then im going to have to fall off my chair in shock and laughter at the comment.

On the ipad side of things , i personally feel apple made a luxury item that wasn't needed. that's why i sold mine after only having it a couple of months. It's ok to browse the net on...Nothing amazing like they said it was at all. They should have developed a version of iOS for the iPad alone , as scaling something up doesn't always work, which i always found on the ipad...something was missing.

I think you fail to realize that without competition there would be no innovation. Companies feed off each other to be the next success. Microsoft have alot to thank apple for with their recent innovations however apple have alot to thank Microsoft for as it was Microsoft that made 90% of the market that apple still only play a relative small part in now.

And if Windows 7 was as buggy & virus ridden as you say it is then it wouldn't be a success would it ? The biggest computer company in the world HP wouldn't be putting it on their computers would they? and finally people wouldn't be buying it in the millions would they? IF you are going to make statements such as that then why not back them up with facts.

I always fail to see the point of these type of articles as they really don't show anything other than opinion and nothing factual in there at all.

Before you return a comment saying in a windows fanboy then i would juts like to say this has been written on an iMac & i own a iPhone aswell as owning a windows based desktop and laptop. So im open minded not a fanboy.

December 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWoody

"Mac OS and Windows are completely different type of operating systems"

Yes if you mean Windows is way worse. UI wise they are now almost exactly the same a part from 1 having a start menu. They now both have dock type things.

" i personally feel apple made a luxury item that wasn't needed"

Then explain why it's selling so well, why so many companies are now coming out with tablets and why almost every non-Windows biased tech user is hailing the iPad as revolutionary.

"without competition there would be no innovation"

Totally disagree, innovation happens every day and people regularly come up with totally original ideas from out of the blue. And there is a massive difference between taking a product and improving it beyond recognition (innovation/revolution) and just purely copying it, even making it worse (Windows 7).

"And if Windows 7 was as buggy & virus ridden as you say it is then it wouldn't be a success would it "

Firstly Windows is way cheaper than Mac, that's why people buy it and that's why companies like HP put it on their computers (so they can make more profit but also because they don't have choice. Apple would never let their software be installed on third party hardware. And as for Linux, it's open source.) The general public don't really grasp the fact that Apple is actually reasonably cheap now and I reckon in ten-twenty years time, Apple's market share will have grown A LOT.

By the way, the fact that you bought an iPad in the first place shows you are obviously not a Windows fanboy, so if I were to call you that it would be just stupid. As for me, I do appreciate that Windows runs way more software, and I do use it occasionally when I'm really desperate through Boot Camp/Parallels on my Mac, but the fact that I hate Windows and love Mac doesn't make me an Apple fanboy. I don't buy every single product out there that's Apple and I even think that a few of Apple's recent products are terrible (I mentioned the new iPod Nano in my original post.)

December 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterHenry Taylor-Gill

Ok then , I don't get involved in debates with ignorant people.

December 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWoody


December 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFanboy Detector

"Apple is actually reasonably cheap now"
Not true at all. There laptops, although quality built are indeed over priced. I could build a hackintosh with all the greatness of OS X yet at half the price and double the performance of the most expensive mac. I love my Mac AND PC. They are different and made for different types of people. People buy macs because they associate the brand with quality, ease of use and think the products are "hip and cool". However i find Windows 7 just as well built, and my new Dell is performing much faster then my half-year old macbook (i bought the dell 300$ less then the Mac)

Innovation is driven by competition. PERIOD. Why do u think russian built cars of the communist era were so crappy? because, there was no competition and therefore the public had to become complacent with the products featured. Why would a company spend money and resources to make a new product if they can sell there existing one??? BECAUSE COMPETITION forces them to innovate and beat there competition.

And it is important that other companies make other tablets. If other tablets begin to rival apples then apple will have to entice buyers with an even better product. AND people have different wants and other manufactures are capable of delivering. I own a Mac, PC, and iPod touch and android phone. I like all of them. I like how i am not limited on my android, and i cannot believe how apple is being so restrictive on their iOS devices. At least other companies allow me to do whatever i please with the product i buy rather then requiring me to jailbreak and void a warranty.

I'm sorry but you obviously are biased and uneducated when it comes to technology. You should keep your mind open and not just follow the apple crowd. I would also suggest taking a business course, you might start to understand competition and the idea of supply vs demand etc. Please consider what your going to write next time before you post such crud that i am now wasting my time correcting.

December 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteropenminded

@Woody How I am ignorant? I answered ALL your arguments and the fact that you're saying that just makes me think that you've run out of stuff to say. And quickly coming back to your first post, you say you hate opinion when there's no facts? No offence, but you must be quite a boring person.

@Openminded I totally agree with you when you say that Windows and Mac are for different people. Windows are for hard-core gamers and people who need compatibility but will accept their computer being virus vulnerable. Macs are for people who don't want to worry about performance and reliability issues, but at the same time they get slightly less compatibility. Another point of yours, if you get a Hackintosh, you miss out on the Apple design and more importantly, if you build one yourself, it's very complicated to say the least for a non-computer geek. BTW, I think when you think of innovate, you must be thinking of something else because the dictionary definition of it is "To begin or introduce (something NEW) for or as if for the FIRST TIME."!!!! If that's really not clear enough, I really don't know what I can do. Finally Apple are already coming out with an iPad 2 sometime soon (even though I think they don't really need to, but I guess it is a yearly update). I don't really see how Android is less restrictive than iOS and BTW and I don't think that jailbreaking voids your warranty (just un-jailbreak it???) I took economics for a year and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out the basics of supply and demand. As for competition, I fully understand that normally you have a product, somebody else improves it, you improve yours more etc... and it keeps advancing. But not in this context. Android tablets are only superior hardware wise (NOT touchscreen but stuff like USB ports and cameras) but everywhere else, even the newest ones are worse than the iPad (my opinion). And if you think you're wasting you're time badly correcting what I wrote before, then WHY THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN BOTHERING????

December 23, 2010 | Registered CommenterHenry Taylor-Gill

I'm sorry but you cannot post ignorant "facts" like these. Apple don't make touchscreens, they contract it out to other companies (read the latest on them changing iPad (or iPhone? don't remember) companies). Windows has a huge market share over Mac OS for a reason and that's because of the features and compatibility with vast amounts of hardware and software platforms. I'm an network manager and Windows networking for example is leaps and bounds ahead of Apple's in Mac OS. Back in consumer land Windows obviously "just works" with the hardware and software the general public want to buy and proves this especially with games. Yes, Steam is on Mac now but the OS is far from optimized for gaming. I can boot Windows on my MacBook and see a performance increase in games at least 3 fold. You can also look at Frontrow and Windows Media Center, there is no way ANYONE can say Frontrow is better than Media Center, essentially Frontrow is a glorified VLC Player, Media Center is much more, it's more of a media hub with support for hardware radio and television, as well as the latest streaming services.

Back to tablets, have you even tried Android? It may not be tablet ready but for smartphones it has actually taken over iOS in market share and is becoming increasingly popular for it's ease of use and customisability. I can make it work the way I want it to work just buy downloading a new home replacement from the Android Market.

Overall I think this is a very misinformed article you've posted.

Typed on my MacBook, with my Windows PC doing useful things over >.

December 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTawm

I think you should try writing articles about current events rather then opinion pieces. It will probably inspire less controversy and will actually need to be based on fact. This isn't directed at you, just the website in general: I'm tired of all the opinionated crap on this website. you wanna talk about Innovation? this website is like hundreds of other tech blogs. I only pay attention to it because I have a friend who writes for u guys. instead of repeating news that has already appeared on Gizmodo, Engadget etc. find something new. Or post more tutorials. Find a Niche and stick with it

December 23, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjust a guy

your an idiot.
alright. so for one. im a huge ass apple fan boy. But this is why people think fan boys are retards that do not sh*t.
first off, you need to learn how to spell. second, you need to go back to school and learn that companies make other products for competition.
You NEED TO do research, because apple DID NOT make the first tablet. The reason apple has a bigger app store? because it started nearly 2 years before anyone else could launch a real app store. And NO! they didn't create the first app store, they just popularized it.
how dumb can you really get?
do you even know why microsoft windows 7 has more viruses than mac os x? obviously not, its not because it is built bad, it's because they own 85% of the damn market! and hackers/people who create viruses go after the larger percent of the market. Why would apple sue microsoft? microsoft owns a piece of apple! you idiot.
seriously, i dare you to come back with an argument, because you don't know what your talking about. Stick to making pictures with crayons kid.

December 25, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjon

@just a guy You have misunderstood quite badly that Teksocial IS about opinion and facts, not just facts. All the top tech Youtubers, even the founder of this website, voices opinion regularly.

As for the two other posts, I'm not responding to people who say I'm an idiot and ignorant as that itself is misinformed and childish. I'm not going to argue with those types of people people and quite honestly, you're roughly repeating the arguments of the first commentor, which I responded to, a part from insulting me further.

December 25, 2010 | Registered CommenterHenry Taylor-Gill

Your right dave does state his opinion, but you know what he also does. He admits that its only an opinion and he also knows what he is talking about. He would never say anything so "ignorant or childish" like saying "other companies should stop. and the reason why you won't respond back is because you have no further argument. You lack knowledge in the subject you are talking about. And for calling other people childish and ignorant when you are the one doing the same exact thing. Don't state your opinion to the public and not be able to take hits at.

December 26, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjon

Now, I would not normally get into a debate like this; but after reading your article I kind of feel like I have no choice.

I own an iPad, use Macs on a daily basis, and own a Windows 7 laptop and desktop.

1) Windows7 is not a "virus filled Mac OS X". It is a completely different operating system than that of Apple's. Ad to compare the two is downright idiotic. They each have a completely different user base, and completely different puroposes. There is a lot that you can do on a Windows PC that you cannot do on a Mac machine. You want to know why Windows has a lot of viruses? Because it's user base is a hell of a lot bigger than that of Apple. Viruses are coded in the large for the most used operating system. Otherwise what would be the point? Saying at Apple should launch a lawsuit against Microsoft is fanboyism at it's best, because without Microsoft there would be no Apple. You might disagree, it's true. Just because you don't like the way a particular operating system works, or looks doesn't mean that it is a bad operating system. And if you think so it just proves that your a bigoted Mac user.

2) Android vs. iOS. This is another whole debate in and of itself. They I'll two completely different markets, for users wih two completely different needs. And if Adroid did not exist, where would Apple get the dire to keep turning out amazing products? If Apple had no competition, they would have no innovation. Android is not a completely useless mobile operating system has you have implied, rather it's just different. And saying that tablets using it are nit as good as the iPad is bigotry. I have used Andriod devices, tablets and phones, and they do not sucks as you say. Yes, they are laid out differently, but that does no mean they are a bad product. One major thing that Andriod has against Apple is the fact that it will work with any operating system. You do not ne to bew running iTunes to manage your device. If you have a iDevice you are locked to either Mac OS X or Windows for the ne of iTunes. In terms of open souce comparability Android wins the battle, hands down. But, let me reiterate. Teo completely different products, with teo completely different user bases with different needs. To say that one is better than the other is quite frankly downright idiotic.

3) You talk of innovation, and the steal in of ideas and concepts. Might I remind you which company came up with the GUI? That would not be Apple, now would it? So who is stealing from who? And yes Apple may come up with some ideas, and innovations. And other companies may piggie back off of them, but if this companies didn't then Apple would have no competition, and they would crumble.

I am not a fanboy of either side, I choose no one greater OS or tablet computer. Because no one has made the perfect OS. Nobody has one that works with all of my hardware, works with all of my software, and works on any computer I want to use it with. Until that day, I remain neutral. And if you choose a fanboy side, I have this to say: you miss out on a lot in life when you go through it with tunnel vision.

December 27, 2010 | Registered CommenterJohn Egenhofer

I agree apple are the only company in the world no joke with good touch screen i used my friends samsung tablet i was like i will use my smaller iphone screen

December 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEmily L

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