How to use your Mac to connect to Xbox Live
This is Kieran here again bringing you a way to save over $60. So in this video I show Mac users how to use their computer as an Internet provider to your Xbox instead of connecting it to your modem or using an expensive wireless adapter.
Any Mac that is running OS10+
Enthernet Cord Long enough to get from your mac to your xbox
Xbox 360 (Works and any offical Xbox 360
IP Address (http://www.whatsmyip.org)
Now I’m not going to explain it because I do a better job in the video, but if you have any other questions related to this please do feel free to contact me.
My Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kierang1
My Email: titillatingtechnology@gmail.com
My Xbox Live GamerTag: Kieran G1
- Kieran
Submitted by
Kieran Greene
Apr 18, 2010 at 12:29 PM

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