iPhone 4 Jailbreak Arrives! Takes 15 Minutes!
A few hours ago Comex released a jailbreak for the iPhone 4. I gave it a shot and had Cydia installed in 15 minutes. The jailbreak works for all iPhones (3G, 3GS & iPhone 4) on the latest firmware 4.0 or 4.0.1. Also it works on the iPad on iOS 3.2.1. Be sure to backup your SHSH blobs before jailbreaking.
This web based jailbreak does not require a computer. All you have to do is open Safari on your iPhone and go to http://jailbreakme.com. The servers are slammed so it may not load, but as you can see in this video it's a piece of cake. Now your iPhone 4 can have Cydia!
Submitted by
Kenny Hirt (iPhone4idiots.com)
Aug 1, 2010 at 7:55 PM in
iphone 4 tagged
iphone 4 jailbreak

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