Todolicious Review
As a die-hard user of Things, a task-managing application for OS X, it was really hard for a while to get me to switch to another task managing app (especially since the app is $50, but trust me, if you forget a lot of things, it's worth every penny). However, a few weeks ago, I came across a nifty app called Todolicious, which is a very simple to-do app for the Mac. I was a beta tester for about a week or so, and I've gotta say, it really doesn't get more simple than this.
Upon opening the app, you'll be greeted with a few stock to-do's in which you can delete. To add a to-do, you simply click the + button and a small window will pop up asking what you want to do. Once you type in what you want and press enter, it will add the to do. Once you completed the To-do, you simply check on it and it will disappear. You can view a full logbook of completed items by clicking the icon on the bottom right corner. Sounds for adding and completing to-dos can also be tweaked in preferences, as well as choosing between three different themes - a light theme, dark theme, and a notebook-like theme (similar to the iOS notes application).
The app is very simple, and I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to keep a small list of what they need to do. The app is unobtrusive to your desktop space and works just as it promised. Todolicious is $4.99 in the Mac App Store and is available for download.
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