Enable iOS 5 Hidden Autocorrection Keyboard
Sonny Dickson uncovered a way to enable a hidden auto correction bar for your keyboard similar to many Android phones. It's super easy if you are jailbroken and have iFile, but it can also be done fairly simply with iBackupBot. As you can see in the video, it's pretty nice, but it changes the way the spacebar works somewhat which might make your typing slower. This is an iOS 5 hidden feature and will work with iPhones, iPads and iPods. The video shows how it works and how to turn this on with iFile. If you aren't jailbroken download iBackupBot here. Backup your iPhone, iPad or iPod in iTunes. Open iBackupBot and load the backup you just made. Navigate to var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.apple.keyboard.plist and open the file (just hit cancel and it will open). Add these two HTML tags right above the </dict> tag.
Save and use iBackupBot to restore from backup. Anyone thinking they might use this?