After Effects Tutorial: Mid Air Collision
Welcome to another After Effects tutorial. This time, we're talking about mid-air collosions in After Effects.
We covered:
-More motion tracking
-Adapting an object to your scene
-Awesome explosions
The goal of this video is not to have the viewer copy everything, value by value. Each scene is different, and serves a different purposes. Use this tutorial as a template, and change settings based on your own footage. That's why I'm not supplying the airplane footage. But like I said, I used the presets that I selected in this video for a reason; they fit my scene. Try and create your own settings based on your scene.
Here are the photos of the airplanes that I used. These are the base photos, and have not been masked. Delta airplane is here, United airplane is here. If you really want them masked - Delta airplane, United airplane.
You may notice that the United airplane is different in the masked photo than in the base photo. I needed to flip it over to use it in my scene. When I flipped it over, the "United" text became inverted, so I fliped it as well. (You're welcome)