2012 New Year's Resolutions
With the year 2011 coming to a close in under 24 hours, many seem to reflect on the past year. The one thing everyone asks themselves is, "What can I do better in the new year?" This question has started up something called New Year's resolutions and I'm going to share a few of mine with you. These will all be goals that I wish to accomplish within the year and possibly things that will last a life time. I hope you have your reading glasses on!
Zachary Tyler Johnson
Zachary is my newly born son who was born on December 25, 2011. He is absolutely a blessing to my heart and my family. My goal for him is for me to be the best father I can be to him. Clearly, this is one of the goals I want to be lasting a lifetime. Zachary has changed my life for the better and I love him with all my heart. Things didn't seem so real until I was the first person to hold him, then it hit me. I want Zachary to grow up in a Christian family and I have to be his roll model. I'm extremely excited to start my new lifelong journey with him and Alyssa.
I have always seemed to struggle with my money situation in my life. I'm praying that this year things will fall into place so I don't have to struggle so much to keep up with bills and not be so stressed. It's a really rough economy right now in the US so it's very hard to make a buck. With my car bills close to $1,000 a month alone, it's been really rough to have money for myself or even to get the car paid!
As many of you know, YouTube has been one of my biggest online passions this past year. I really started to push myself to create decent content for my subscribers. For the new year, I plan on pushing on great content for all my subscribers. I'm going to strive to hit 1,000 subscribers and open up a vlogging channel and leave my main channel for tech related videos. I don't want things to get jumbled up and such. If you aren't already subscribed to my YouTube channel, what are you waiting for? Click here.
Earlier in the year, I was creating close to five blog posts a day. I want to bring back the website and having more blogs on the site. This could be a long stretch with a new born and having YouTube my primary focus online. But hey, I'll do my best!
Yes, freelancing has the same concept of making money but in my eyes, it's completely different. Making money through job is one thing but making money through things that you actually enjoy doing is different. I want to better my freelance work over the next year in terms of graphic design, web design, photography...and maybe even video editing. I think it would be fantastic to start working more from home on Freelancing and making a living that way so I can tie into my first resolution of my baby boy, Zachary.
Sleep With a new born, I get no sleep. I would love more sleep!
Believe it or not, that's all that's on my list of resolutions. I like to keep things simple and logical. Of course it would be nice to sign a multi million dollar contract with Google but it's just not logical. I want to keep everything simple and things that I could actually do. Before you click away, I want to know what your New Year's resolutions are! Leave them in the comments.
[via TechJohnson]

Reader Comments (2)
Appreciating my family is my plan for the new year. In 2011 my father was diagnosed with cancer yet again (agent orange) this time it is very advanced. My mother went blind from an eye disease and I spent 7 out of 12 months in the hospital due to brain/neck/spine surgery which has left me in a wheelchair unable to walk. (I also have lupus and live with my parents. I am 37). This year I plan to enjoy every day with my family and try not to take the small moments for granted. Thank you for sharing your family videos with the world. It is wonderful to see people loving each other unashamedly. God bless you and yours.
Congratulations on your newborn!
Those are really great resolutions. It is always so important to strive to balance family and tech hobbies.
Check out my blog to see how I manage to balance being a dad, working full time and trying to increase my social media presence on the web.
Happy New Year!