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The Hunger Games - Trailer Review

As many of you know, the highly successful Hunger Games book series is being adapted into a movie. In the events leading up to the release in March I think it is safe to say that we have all been on the edge of our seats waiting for a sneak preview.

This is a review of the second, longer trailer. This trailer was first presented a few weeks ago by actor Josh Hutcherson on Good Morning America. Here is the trailer.

Now, if you are like me and a big Hunger Games fan, you should be excited for this movie after this trailer. My initial thoughts were mixed after some of the actor selections and the previous trailer. However, my faith in this film is now restored.

In case you have not read the books. I recommend you do! If you still don't want to, then I will tell you the basic premise. In the remains of what was once America is now Panem, a country of 12 Districts controlled by a merciless Capitol. Many years before the book, there was a revolution. The 13th District was destroyed and the remaining 12 were sentenced to sending one boy and one girl from each District to battle to the death in the Hunger Games. The winner gets fame and wealth for the rest of their life.

The trailer starts out well, showing Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) and Gale (Liam Hemsworth) in the forest, then a hoverplane. Then, it cuts to the reaping where the tributes are picked for the games. I liked the atmosphere. Very grey and holocaust looking. It makes you feel the overall mood in the story at the beginning. Then you see Effie Trinket (Elizabeth Banks). Now everybody is complaining she doesn't have pink hair. Look closer, it is pink. The reaping goes on, and Katniss' little sister Prim (Willow Shields) is chosen for the games. To save her, Katniss volunteers to be a tribute. Then Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) is chosen and the trailer cuts to Gale giving Katniss some supportive words before she leaves. Katniss replies, "There's 24 of us, Gale. Only one comes out." Very true.

After this, I was already excited. But then the music came. I don't know what instrument is playing, but it sounds like a Violin or a Bagpipe. This music was amazing. It really got you into the mood and got you even more excited for the movie. If anyone is wondering, it was written by Danny Elfman and Academy Award Winner T-Bone Burnett.

During the music, the trailer shows Katniss and Cinna (Lenny Kravitz) talking. It also shows some of the opening ceremonies with Ceasar Flickerman (Stanley Tucci) and President Snow (Donald Sutherland). By then I was just off my seat beside myself. This trailer so far had captured the essence of the games in the Capitol. Everything was really close to what I imagined it to be.

Next we see the training center and the music continues while showing the tributes training for the arena. Showing this was awesome because it hints that this will be violent and close to the book. Then it cuts to Haymitch (Woody Harrelson) telling Katniss to show the Gamemakers what she can do. She shoots a bow and it hits the center of the target. Seneca Crane (Wes Bentley), the Head Gamemaker, notices. The trailer proceeds to show Katniss and Peeta on the roof, then Katniss being lifted into the games and the countdown. 5...4...3...2...1. And then the end of the trailer. Amazing!

This trailer was by far the best I have ever seen. It captured the essence of the books without giving too much away. One thing many people have been complaining about is them not showing the games. We don't want to see the games yet! Wait until March! They showed plenty in this trailer. From what I can see they stayed very close to the book. Jennifer Lawrence looked great as Katniss. I doubted her at first but she is proving to be great. Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth also looked very good. I don't know about you guys, but I'm counting the days until this movie is released. Until then, may the odds be ever in your favor. I will post a follow up on any major updates to the movie.

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