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Facebook Acquires Gowalla?

According to many resources, Gowalla will be acquired by Facebook in the near future.  Gowalla is a location-based social-networking app for mobile devices, basically, another Foursquare.  Gowalla lets you check in to locations and do a lot of similar things that Foursquare lets you do.

Some sources state that some Gowalla employees will be moving to the Palo Alto, California location to work for Facebook and to work on Facebook's Timeline feature.  Does this mean that Gowalla will be integrated into the new Facebook layout?

Since the launce of Gowalla in 2009, it has had a difficult time competing against Foursqure in the market for location-based sharing applications.  Gowalla is available for the iPhone and Android devices and features a large "Sing up with Facebook" button prominently on the front page of its web site.

One year ago, Gowalla had about 600,000 members while Foursquare just about doubled that number.

Should Facebook really acquire Gowalla or save up and acquire Foursquare?  Do you think Facebook will turn into a much larger scale Foursquare if Gowalla is acquired?  Leave all your thoughts in the comment section.

[via TechJohnson]

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