Halo: Reach "Defiant" Map Pack Announced
This was originally posted on ButtonMasher.tv
Back in December, the Noble map pack for Halo: Reach came out for the Xbox 360. The pack brought us 3 new multiplayer maps, Anchor 9, Tempest, and Breakpoint. Well, Bungie has announced a brand new map pack for Reach, yet again. The pack will be called the 'Defiant' pack. Once again, the pack gives us 3 new maps. It will also bring us 150 gamerscore. Man, right as I 100% the achievements on Reach!
Defend the entrance to the key titanium mine on Reach.
A mangled communications hub high above the planet.
A Spartan training facility nestled in the mountains of Reach
Watch the trailer for the map pack here:
The map pack comes out this March for 800 Microsoft Points ($10).

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