Central Florida Students Get FREE iPad
What has this world come to? When I was in school, having any type of technology was banned from being in the class room. Now, it seems to be that students in Central Florida will be receiving a FREE iPad for “homework” at nights.
A school in Lake Minneloa is outfitting all of their students with over a half a million dollars worth of iPads. All the students will be able to use their iPad during class and be able to bring them home for “homework” purposes.
According to the school board, this is their way of trying to save money on text books and bring a new type of learning experience to students. As awesome is this sounds, does it seem fit? Are they actually saving money?
I really wish my school gave their students iPads when I went to school. The final cost was $700,000 which brought the school a total of 1,750 iPads. In theory, this is giving them a healthy discount at $400 each!
[via TechJohnson]

Reader Comments (1)
Obviously, This is the best way of trying to save money on text books.Its pretty cool and interesting really and i wanna to be a student now :D