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Are Fake Apple Stores a Problem? 

“Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China.” 

So how are these golden devices making their ways into unauthorized Apple stores? On July 20, 2011, the fake Apple Stores in Kumming, China, went worldwide when a blog, BirdAbroad, stumbled upon them. Suddenly they were on the front page of every news site around. The question is, is it a problem? 

Apparently the stores don’t appreciate the publicity. Many visitors who tried to snap photos were quickly pushed away and informed that management said no photos. Though word on the street has it that these are real Apple products in fake stores, it is not entirely out on how these stores are acquiring these products. Still after one week of being worldwide the city officials in Kumming closed 2 of the 5 fake Apple stores located. Interestingly though, the stores were not closed over any copyright fraud with Apple, yet closed due to laking the proper permits for the stores.

Though those 2 stores closed, here we are only a month later with reports of 22 more unauthorized retailers surfacing, according to Reuters. It has not yet been said if the 22 new shops are selling real Apple products or fake ones but the only action as of now is them being told by Kumming to loose the Apple logo. 

Whether these are bringing more business or less business to the real Apple we are not sure. The only ‘half-related’ response we have heard is Apple’s plan to open more stores. This would hopefully run any fakes out of business quickly. Just this past weekend Apple opened a total of 5 stores and is scheduled to open more in the near future. Either way, Apple is doing hot right now and on the top of news with their ‘decent-sized’ bank account. 

As we can tell Apple has clearly only been growing and these stores are probably nothing but a compliment to Steve Jobs. All we can do is wait for the next move. Whether its the new Apple Store Fifth Avenue or the iPhone 5, only time will tell.  

Sent from my iPhone 5. 

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