Unboxing: Naked Case Mate iPhone 4S Case
I have a real serious problem when it comes to iPhone cases. Just about every time I go to a store that sells them, I’m always walking out with a new case to unbox and review for you guys. While it’s putting a hole in my pocket, I feel that it’ll benefit me down the road. I’ll do what it takes to keep you all coming back for more. After all, my opinion matters to everyone.
Regardless to say, I have made no exception this last trip I made to Walmart. I went to Walmart to simply pick up some air fresheners for my vehicle and ended up walking out with a new iPhone 4S case. I ended up getting a cheap cased called Naked made by Case Mate.
In this video, I do a quick unboxing and my initial impressions. If you want my honest opinion of my first impressions, this case is awful. The only things I like about the case is the clear design and the protection it offers. Everything else, awful! Be sure to come back in a week or so to check out my full review.
[via TechJohnson, YouTube, Twitter]

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