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Hackintosh From Start to Finish: Setting up a Raid0

What's better than having a SSD? The correct answer is having two SSD's in a RAID0! In case you don't know, a RAID0 is an array of two or more HDD's or SSD's that are basically linked together through software as one big hard drive. In a RAID0 array of two disks, half of every file is written to one disk, and half to the other. This can theoretically double the transfer speeds of the drives. Since SSD's are already very fast, this can lead to extremely fast transfer speeds!

As with most other things, the Hackintosh world makes doing these things a little harder than if you were to do them on a real Mac. That's where this video comes in. Before going on with the tutorial, there's a few things that you're going to need:

In doing this, you're also going to have to issue some terminal commands. Keep in mind that when entering the commands that you need to reference the disk that corresponds to your RAID drives. The drive numbers may not appear like mine do in this video. Also, this process is by no means set in stone. This video doesn't guarantee success on your system, and there are other ways to do this. Doing it this way seems to be one of the easiest that comes to mind.

Here's the string that goes under your "Kernel Flags" key:

rd=uuid boot-uuid=[paste RAID identifier] space npci=0x-2000

Here are all of the terminal commands from the video:

fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0 [Enter] (First drive in Raid)
fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk1 [Enter] (Second drive in Raid)

dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s3 (First drive in Raid)
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s3 (Second drive in Raid)

diskutil mount disk0s3 [Enter] (First drive in Raid)
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OS\ X/ [Enter]
cp -R Extra /Volumes/Boot\ OS\ X/ [Enter]
diskutil unmount disk0s3 [Enter]

diskutil mount disk1s3 [Enter] (Second drive in Raid)
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OS\ X/ [Enter]
cp -R Extra /Volumes/Boot\ OS\ X/ [Enter]
diskutil unmount disk1s3 [Enter]

After booting into the OS X Installer:

frisk -u /dev/rdisk0 (First drive in Raid)

fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0
f 2

fdisk -u /dev/rdisk1 (First drive in Raid)

fdisk -e /dev/rdisk1 (Second drive in Raid)
f 2

What do you think of the Hackintosh scene? What about having a Raid0? Be sure to let me know on YouTube and Twitter.

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