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Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in 2013 - Visualized

For a lot of business operators and those running their own website, DDoS attacks can be unfamiliar territory.

While all of the technical information behind a DDoS attack can be confusing or hard to remember, those that have experienced these sorts of cyber attacks on their website know that they can be extremely damaging to a business.

DDoS attacks, or distributed denial of service attacks, are used by outside agents in order to try and make a website, email system, voicemail system or network inaccessible for its users.

By creating this outage, potential customers and current clients are unable to interact with your company, which could lead to a loss of potential sales and clients that are unhappy with the abruptly slow service.

Over time, the nature of DDoS attacks has become more aggressive. This makes it important to learn what you could be facing and how to recover from an attack. This infographic compares the key metrics of DDoS attacks mitigated by Prolexic in Q1 2013 compared to previous quarters.


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