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Entries in Apple (371)


iPhone OS 4.0: My Wants and Predictions

Earlier this week, I had posted a written entry with a quote with some 'leaked' iPhone OS 4.0 features from BGR. So, today I will be giving you all my wants, wishes and predictions for the new iPhone OS. I really hope that most of the stuff I mention in the video comes true and I know some will! Sit back, relax and watch the video and then when done, make a video and post it as a response to my video! 


iPhone OS 4.0 Features Leaked?

According to BGR, the update to the iPhone OS, which may come as soon as the special Apple next Wednesday, will include:

There will be multi-touch gestures OS-wide. (Would make sense for that as the rumored OS for the iTablet is close if not the same as the iPhone

“A few new ways” to run applications in the background — multitasking.
Many graphical and UI changes to make navigating through the OS easier and more efficient. We haven’t had this broken down, but we can only hope for improved notifications, a refreshed homescreen, etc.
The update will supposedly be available for only the iPhone 3G and 3GS, but will “put them ahead in the smartphone market because it will make them more like full-fledged computers” more than any other phone to date. Everyone is “really excited.”
The last piece of information is the most vague, but apparently there will be some brand new syncing ability for the contacts and calendar applications.
I find most of the features likely, however I am very unhappy that the update may not be for iPod Touch. Though it does make sense, due to the fact the iPhone has many more healthy competitors.

Review: AppZapper 2

AppZapper, also known as 'The uninstaller Apple forgot', was released a couple of weeks ago. The developers of the software, Austin Sarner and Brian Ball, have worked hard on redesigning some of the UI in the second release and have also added another feature.

One of the major new features of AppZapper is that you can still drag the application you want to uninstall from your Mac into the application and it'll get the related files for that particular application but there is now a finder to find the application you want to get rid off.

Hit the slider in the top right hand corner of AppZapper window and slide it to reveal a new menu. It looks like a iPhone page of applications but the applications featured are ones that run on your Mac. Choose one you want to delete and at the bottom, it shows what components will be deleted along with the application itself.

Simple! I know you can get free or cheaper applications than AppZapper, but at only $13 (£8) you can't get much better value on an application. You can try it for 5 zaps by downloading from the AppZapper website

However, you can't zap me from Twitter!


Apple Rumour: Touchscreen iMac

Rumours have been floating around Twitter that Apple could be annoucing a brand new line of iMac's, along with the 'iSlate', with touchscreen functionality.

The new 22" iMac is to bring the experience from the normal iMac to a brand new level. I focuses the touch functions available on the iPhone, Magic Mouse and the Macbook trackpad all to the screen. By adding this functionality, Apple will make one of their already big products even bigger, more expensive and with more power than a average household would want.

Although this sounds like a bad idea, it would be useful to schools, particularly schools which have disabled children or adults who don't know how to use a desktop computer. The functionality would also allow photographers to skim through the photos took on the photoshoot, view it full screen and send them straight off to their client.

I must say although the idea looks a bit misty right now, if it isn't announced sometime this year, it'll certainly be released sometime next year.

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The Apple Tablet

The Apple tablet seems to be the big thing that people are talking about at the moment, but has apple even said that they are bringing out a tablet yet?, or is it just a load of rumours that will likely be wrong when the keynote comes up in a weeks time?, well I personally think it might be happening but this is Apple that I am talking about and most of the time they make surprises that are LIKE what we expected, like when everybody though that there would be a camera on the iPod Touch, it was on the iPod Nano instead, so is Apple TRYING to get the public to think at there is something LIKE the Apple Tablet coming or will it be the first Apple Tablet since the Newton?, well alls we have now is a name, iSlate and some concept pictures that the community has done for us to get an insight of what one might look like, I personally think that Apple could have made something from them concepts because they are very good and I don't see why Apple might not use a similar design. 

Getting on to the point of the design, a lot of people are saying it will look like a 10inch iPhone with a iPhone run OS, they could be right, or maybe Apple might have went with the Apple HD Cinema display design, but whatever the design is it will promise to be sleek like every Apple Product. 

OS? what OS might it run you ask?, well some people are speculating that it might be iPhone kind of OS, but a lot more advanced, and they maybe right because for it to run a copy of Mac OS X it would have to have a HDD in it and how are they going to fit that in a tablet that supposed to be portable?. 

Which brings me onto my next question, what will be the hardware, will it have a disk drive?, iSight Camera?, SSD HDD?, what processor will it be using?, a lot of these questions have yet to be asked, I mean I'd like to know at least a hint of what it might have in it. 

And Finally, not to get confused, I mean I am not ranting here, I'd just like to know more really, but I guess that will come in a weeks time weather they announce it or not, I mean like always with Apple "It happens, when it happens..."