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Entries in Apple (371)


LIVE Recap of Apple's Event Tomorrow

Okay guys, so with the Apple tablet bound to be announced at tomorrow's event, I thought I would give my new LIVE studio a try. Tomorrow at 8:00PM CST, I will be doing a recap of the event on ustream. This will be one of the few live show I've done, with the last being WWDC 09. I had a lot of fun with that show, so I expect to with this one also. I really hope a few of you guys will at least stop by for a little bit even just to see my video setup. I worked pretty hard on it, and I think it turned out great. I plan to be doing a video soon detailing my LIVE setup, so make sure you keep an eye out for that. :)

So, just to reitterate, I'm doing a LIVE recap show of tomorrow's Apple event. You can find it at It'll start at 8:00PM CST, with the stream (music & title card) going up at 7:00, to make sure I don't miss anyone.

I hope to see some of you in the chat room!!

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Apple Special Media Event: Last and Final Predictions

Here I have my final predictions for Apple's Special Media Event, tomorrow Wednesday January 27, 2009. It will be at the Yerba Beuna Center For Arts in San Fransico, California at 10 A.M. PST/ 1 P.M. EST. The event is to be based around the much rumored and highly anticipated Apple Tablet. Apple will also be announcing the iPhone OS 4.0 Beta, iWork and iLife 2010, Refreshed Mackbook Pros, as well as a few other things. I believe that the MacBook Air will get a much needed update, in fact a new model. Some news to the iTunes Store, that will be announced will be lowered prices on TV Shows as well as the addition of eBooks for the Tablet. eBooks will be around $10 to $15 for hardcover bestsellers. I think of course that they will announce the tablet and much more of their creations! It should be a wonderful keynote, and I am saddened that I will be at school during the show! Though websites like Gizmodo, Engadget, TUAW and many other large tech sites will be following the keynote and giving live updates. So until tomorrow, we can only hope!
One more thing... The one more thing that Steve Jobs will announce is the iPod Touch 3G with camera.

Happy Birthday Macintosh!

Today is the 26th birthday of the Apple Macintosh computer. On January, 24, 1984 Steve Jobs unveiled the first Mac. It was the Macintosh 128K. It was the start of the Apple dynasty and Steve Job's glory, and as they say.... the rest is history. The Mac has since then grown, with the Mac Pro, MacBook line, Mac Mini and iMac at the time. Here is a clip of Steve Jobs displaying the Macintosh 128K for the first time:

And myself saying Happy Birthday to the Mac!


Thoughts: iPhone 4G

The iPhone has grew to become one of the most popular yet powerful phones on the market and after 3 years, it still has room to grow. June 29, 2007 saw the release of the first generation iPhone and now in 2010 we are already talking about the fourth release.

Coming from a UK based point of view, 3G isn't everything. Yes, it may produce a fast and strong connection with the iPhone and the outside world, but I think with the release of the iPhone 4G, Apple should release HSDPA as standard, which has a higher specification of speed and performance. Apple could also extend the screen to it fills upto 90-95% of the unit. It would also be good to see a touch button instead of the physical button, which takes up 10% of the unit. Since it is suitable for iPod quality sound, additional speakers could be place at the top and bottom of the iPhone, giving a much better sound quality.

On the external side of the iPhone, it would be good if Apple slimmed down the unit, giving it a even more refined look. When adjusting the volume on the current iPhone it can be a little fiddly, so defining the buttons would be another good move in the 4G. 

I hope you see my post interesting and I would like to see Apple consider the redesign of the iPhone, to make it the revolutionary phone of the decade.

Follow me on Twitter for more technology news, information and everything else I do on the Internet!


Shiny Products on the Way!

We are getting increasingly closer to Apple's release of the iSlate/Tablet/iPad, and rumors are a dime a dozen. This is a quick post; I wrote an in-depth analysis previously.

I think the Slate will have FREE 3G, and will cost around $1000, maybe just under. If Apple doesn't subsidize the device, then I think this is very likely. Amazon's Kindle has this, and would be one of the biggest selling points. However, if Apple DOES subsidize it, I think the Slate will be around $600, and have a $20-30 monthly data plan that permits VOIP, from AT&T and/or Verizon. I think Apple has sorely learned that AT&T is well, AT&T.

Just want to make this a very brief article. If you wish to continue reading, click here.