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Entries in Apple Tablet (2)


iPad 2: My Overview and Thoughts

It's official. Today, March 2, 2011, Apple introducted something we've all been waiting for. That is, the iPad 2. We've been expecting it since January, but today our waiting has ended. 

First off, the iPad 2 has many new features. The first and most wanted feature is a front and rear-facing camera. This allows you to Facetime video chat to other iPads, iPhones, Macs, and iPod Touches. That itself if a big selling point in the tablet market. The iPad 2 is also much thinner than the current iPad. It's actually 33% thinnger than the iPad 1, and it's thinner than the iPhone 4. 

Processor wise, the iPad 2 got an upgrade to a new dual core Apple A5 chip. That will provide a much more speedy experience.  The original iPad had an A4 chip, along with the iPhone 4. The iPad 2's A5 chip runs at 1GHz. The iPad 2 also runs on two carriers (3G model only). Those carriers are AT&T and Verizon Wireless. The best part is that all 3G models support BOTH carriers, so you can change anytime you wish!

Another big change is colors. You can now get your iPad in two different colors, black and white. The pricing is the same as the previous iPad, starting at $499 and ending at $829. Another added feature that nobody remembers is the 3-axis gyro that was added to the iPhone 4. It's now in the iPad as well! This provides a much more flexible experience.

Overall, the new iPad 2 looks great, and it's packed with nice features. It's definately a huge upgrade from the original iPad. It's available on March 11th for both models and both colors. I think it's going to be great. What do you guys think?


LIVE Recap of Apple's Event Tomorrow

Okay guys, so with the Apple tablet bound to be announced at tomorrow's event, I thought I would give my new LIVE studio a try. Tomorrow at 8:00PM CST, I will be doing a recap of the event on ustream. This will be one of the few live show I've done, with the last being WWDC 09. I had a lot of fun with that show, so I expect to with this one also. I really hope a few of you guys will at least stop by for a little bit even just to see my video setup. I worked pretty hard on it, and I think it turned out great. I plan to be doing a video soon detailing my LIVE setup, so make sure you keep an eye out for that. :)

So, just to reitterate, I'm doing a LIVE recap show of tomorrow's Apple event. You can find it at It'll start at 8:00PM CST, with the stream (music & title card) going up at 7:00, to make sure I don't miss anyone.

I hope to see some of you in the chat room!!

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