LIVE Recap of Apple's Event Tomorrow
Okay guys, so with the Apple tablet bound to be announced at tomorrow's event, I thought I would give my new LIVE studio a try. Tomorrow at 8:00PM CST, I will be doing a recap of the event on ustream. This will be one of the few live show I've done, with the last being WWDC 09. I had a lot of fun with that show, so I expect to with this one also. I really hope a few of you guys will at least stop by for a little bit even just to see my video setup. I worked pretty hard on it, and I think it turned out great. I plan to be doing a video soon detailing my LIVE setup, so make sure you keep an eye out for that. :)
So, just to reitterate, I'm doing a LIVE recap show of tomorrow's Apple event. You can find it at It'll start at 8:00PM CST, with the stream (music & title card) going up at 7:00, to make sure I don't miss anyone.
I hope to see some of you in the chat room!!
You can contact me at

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