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Entries in coding (5)


Don't Be Awkward, Use AWK!

After providing a tutorial on grep and a brief peek into sed, we move on to another great Linux command-line utility, but one rarely used by beginners. Perhaps because it's really a full-blown programming language, which must bring images of impenetrable complexity to the minds of some?

Hopefully, this article will show you that AWK is not to be feared, but loved. It is extraordinarily useful, after all.

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Linux Essentials: Sed (Stream Editor)

Linux terminalIt's sometimes said that find, sed and awk are all you need when it comes to Linux command-line utilities. The last two are Turing complete, just like any other programming language. Having already covered grep, we move on to its stream-wrangling cousin, sed. Its purpose is filtering and transforming streams of text, which is a very loose and general concept in Linux. However, some of its functionality might not be all that obvious without reading the entire manual, but that's where this article jumps into the picture. Fire up your terminal and type along.

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How to Use HTML Tags: Design the Web | Lesson 2

Welcome to this week's lesson of Design the Web. Today we are going to learn how to use some of the more simple tags in HTML, and how to setup a simple HTML template. We're going to take it nice and slow; if you have questions at the end, just leave a comment, and I'll get back to ASAP.

Quick recap: last week we found out what a tag is. An HTML element is an individual component of an HTML document, meaning, when your browser is reading the code, if it sees the tag, it will know what to do with the specified tag. Now let's learn how to us them. First, we are going to include the basic and required tags of a HTML page, such as:

  • <head>
  • <body>
  • <html>

Just the ones we need. Here is how they should be placed:

Now we're going to add some essential stuff to it, such as a title and then some text. The title will be: Demo Page (or whatever you want). We will say "Hello World."

Now let's stop to talk about it. The is telling the web browser, "Hey! I'm HTML code!". The HEAD tag is where you keep the code that tells the BODY tag how to do things. The BODY tag is where all the content goes, like our 'Hello World!'. The H2 tag is a Header 2, the second biggest text on a page. This tag makes the text large and bold.

This week we discovered a pretty basic HTML layout. We even made a super simple page that said 'hello to the world'. Guess what we will be doing next week. We will be taking this simple HTML page and adding more content, a menu, and maybe even an image. 

Original Post:


3 Softwares: Web Development/Design

When most people think of web development or design, they usually consider Adobe's Dreamweaver to be the perfect choice. In this article, I am going to show you some other software that can help you learn more, and save some of your savings. 

Remember: All applications shown here are for the Mac platform. 

Coda - After Dreamweaver, most people know about Coda. Coda is a web development tool that is both designed well and packed full of features including a Preview pane, color-highlighted code, auto-fill, and able to connect and edit files on a remote server. Currently, Coda is priced at $99 .

TextMate - Known as the the "Missing Editor for Mac OSX", TextMate is known for its powerful text editing structure and its low price point. Features-wise, this is an ordinary text editor with basic color-highlighted code but where TextMate really stands out is when you are actually writing the code. Unlike Coda which happens to have an annoying auto-close tag feature, TextMate allows you the option to manually do it by a shortcut. For those who would like a powerful text editor at a low price, TextMate is the one for you priced at around $60. 

NetBeans - Many of you developers out there who need a highly powerful, all in one, cheap software for any operating system that can fit all your programming needs, NetBeans is for you. Giving you the option to download different versions of the software to fit which language you use, NetBeans makes it great for those programmers to program without to much hassle. And the best part of NetBeans, its free!

So here are a few applications that are great for you web designers/developers out there and most are not that expensive (compared to Dreamweaver). If you have any more for the Mac platform, feel free to comment below. Thanks for reading!


Road To Becoming a Web Designer


So you wanna become a web designer huh? Well before you get into the coding, you should get first have an order in which you want to learn each language. Well, here is the order for you:

HTML - This is the base language that is used in mostly any website. It is also one of the simplest languages to learn for web designing. So be sure to learn it well. 

CSS - Once you have HTML down, you have to deal with CSS. This language gives you the style of the website you want. Use HTML and CSS together and you can make your website look like any website. For a tutorial, check out my video series on My Youtube Channel.

CONGRATULATE - Good job! You have already gotten through two languages. Also it is a time to take a break and test out your skills, for now the harder language comes. 

PHP/SQL - These languages are a bit more complicated for the reason that it does not deal with the interface but more of the background functions. You may want to check out there own websites for some details. 

JAVASCRIPT - Once you have finished with the basic layout of a webpage, you obviously want to have some fun right? Where that is where this language comes in. Javascript is the fun of the coding languages, for it allows you to add some animation, alert boxes and all of that good stuff! 

Good job! You can now consider yourself a web designer! But now you put your skills to the test and design a webpage that puts all of these coding languages together. But don't think that you know all of the languages because there are many more and it is your turn to venture and find them.


*Note: The order in which I put these languages is based on what I think people should learn first.