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Entries in Mac OS X (10)


Is The MacBook Air Overpriced?

In the beginning of my research for buying a Mac computer, the first one I did want to have hands on, was the MacBook Air. After using my friend's for a month, I didn't like it at all. For what it brings to the user it is way overpriced. To learn why, read the rest of the article.

First of all, if you didn't know, the MacBook Air is a netbook. As Steve said "NetBooks are best at anything", and I definitely agree. Its price starts at 999$. Let me give you a quick speck review of the particular MacBook Air model.

Screen: 11"

Processor: 1.6GHz dual-core Intel i5

Ram: 2GB

Storage: 64GB

Graphic Card: Intel HD Graphics 3000

After carefully reading this model specks, do you still believe that the MacBook Air's price is logical? In my opinion, no. With 999$, the consumer can purchase a quad-core Windows laptop with four times better specks, or build a custom one, which is going to be as powerful as the 27'", quad-core iMac. I know it 's made by aluminum, it's very thin and light and it's perfect for traveling, but there are hundreds Windows netbooks which are thin and  light (Not made by aluminum of course), and they are perfect for traveling too. Those Windows netbook's price is 300$-450$ and bring to the user exactly what the MacBook Air can bring too.

Now you will wonder "Then why do people buy it?”. The answer is simple; it's because of the OS. Let me give you an example. Would anyone buy the iPhone 4S if it run iOS 3? No. Before purchasing a product after reviewing the specks, the user also wants the device to have a good operating system. For business people Mac OS X is the best OS, and if they travel a lot those people need a small computer running Mac.

For the Apple fun boys also, who are going to hate on me, I never said that the MacBook Air is a bad computer. It's the best netbook in the market. What I said is that it's way overpriced. So before you start trolling on me, please, take those words into consideration.

Thanks so much for reading my thoughts on this topic. If you have a different opinion on this, or if you have any questions based on this article, feel free to leave them in the comment section below, or mention me on Twitter @OrestGPap.



Learn to Program with C

In this video I start a series that will teach you how to program in C, I show you the tools you'll need and some simple commands to navigate through the terminal as well as provide some recomendations for text editors. In the next episode we'll get right into programming starting with variables and output to the screen.


My Two Reasons on Why You Shouldn't Buy the iPhone 4S Now

A question I get a lot is "Orestis, shall I buy the iPhone 4S?."

My answer is, definitely not. Just for the heads up, I am an iPhone 4S user, the first who bought it in Greece back in November, so of course I do have a huge experience with the phone and I can give you my honest thoughts on this question.

First of all there is not  a reason to sign a contract with AT&T, Verizon or Sprint for two years or spend 600$ without a contract, when the sixth generation iPhone is coming the next few months. As everyone knows Apple every two years makes a whole different and groundbreaking iPhone like the iPhone 4 was back in 2010. The "iPhone  6" (that's not the official name) will definitely support 4G LTE (considering the iPad 3 has, which is a tablet), it will have quad-core graphics due to the A5X chip, and a new redesigned quad-core processor (that's sure because all the new high level  smartphones must have a four core chip, this is the new technology. HTC already started this with the HTC One X). Also even better camera(s) (we hope to see an upgrade to the front facing camera also), higher resolution display new design etc. Overall the "iPhone 6" will be much, much better compared to the iPhone 4S. According to this occasion, my advice is just wait a few months to buy this incredible device that is coming soon.

Second occasion is, if you really need a smartphone i would definitely   not suggest the iPhone 4S. There are many Android smartphones, a lot cheaper and with better features. You don't have to "lock yourself", with a two year contract or paying 600$ plus when you can find other smartphones, in the same level and even better for a lot cheaper.

Let me give you some examples of a few great Android phones that you can check out.

1.) Samsung Galaxy Nexus

2.) Samsung Galaxy S 2

3.) Samsung Galaxy Note

4.) HTC One X

5.) Motorola Droid Bionic

And many others. Those Android devices are really good, in many categories better than the iPhone 4S and cheaper.

Of course the Windows fun boys will complain for not refering the Windows Mobile 7 phones. I don't suggest them due to the OS. I don't like it at all. That's of course my opinion and it could be wrong, but I've been using the Nokia Lumia 800 for a month and I didn't like the OS. 

Many people will wonder since I don't suggest the iPhone 4S, why did I buy one? Let me explain you.

First of all I bought the phone in November when it was all brand new. Also I am not suggesting the phone ONLY for that period of time, because the new iPhone is on the way and due to the economic crisis, you can find better and cheaper solutions. I did buy the 4S, because I love everything on it, including of course the OS (I've been using iOS since  2 years, and I am not looking forward into switching to another OS, anytime soon). It is fast, excellent camera, HSDPA + (14.4 Mbps), amazing design and many other benefits.

I think you should take into consideration my answer to this question, due to my experience and that I am always honest (because I am an iOS fan boy, it doesn't  mean I have to hate on Android. Android it's an excellent OS in a very sophisticated level). Thank you for reading, if you have any questions or anything else related to this article, please leave them in the comment section below.



Mac OS X Lion Review

There are many new features in Mac OS X Lion. In this review, I’m going to go over most of them and tell you what I like and don’t like about them. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

First is Mail 5. It’s my favorite new feature of Lion. Apple completely redesigned the mail app. It looks quite similar to Mail for iPad. In the previous version of mail, when you opened an email, it opened in a new window. Now, it opens in the right side. In the center, you have a list of messages from the inbox selected. Lastly, on the left, you have the main folders, and then all the gmail subfolders. I used to not use mail at all because it was just, well horrible. Now, I use it all the time.

Next is All My Files. It’s the first thing you see when you open Finder. It organizes every file on your mac into sections like Images, Movies, Documents, Presentations, etc. It’s excellent if you’re trying to find a missing picture/document or just index everything you have.

Another feature I really like is AirDrop. It’s a great, easy way to transfer files between macs on the same network. All you do is open AirDrop on at least two macs on the same network, and drop a file onto the other’s icon. It’s also a great feature for school. You can easily send your friend a document or if you have like a class iMac, you can, just send the file via AirDrop instead of printing/emailing it to the teacher.

A smaller new feature in Mac OS X Lion is called system information. It replaces system profiler. The version I’m talking about is accessed through “About This Mac,” then “More Info…” Instead of having a long confusing list, everything is simplified into four panels. The first one gives you basic info about your computer. The second gives you information about your display, or displays plugged in. The third shows you a graphic of how your hard drive is divided up. It’s quite similar to how your iPhone looks when you plug it into iTunes. Lastly, the fourth panel shows you how much memory you have installed, how it’s divided in the slots, and has a link with instructions on how to upgrade it. I really like how they did this. It’s very simple and a lot easier to navigate through than system profiler.

A feature that was added but kind of already in Mac OS X is full screen apps. Before, there were still full screen apps, but each application had it’s own way to access it. For example, Google Chrome was Command + Shift + F. Now, there’s a universal button. Also, there’s a gesture to move between full screen apps. It’s a four finger swipe to either the left or right. I really like it becauseIt makes it incredibly simple to navigate around your mac.

Another one of my favorite new features is Mission Control. If you have a lot of windows open, it’s a great way to navigate to the window you want. You can access it by swiping up with four fingers. All your windows are organized into separate piles based on apps. If you want to move a certain app to a new desktop, you just drag the icon to the top right corner and it creates a new one. You can also easily navigate between the desktops using the four finger swipe I talked about earlier.

An interesting new feature of Lion is called resume. What it does is when you restart your computer, it will reopen everything you had open when it reboots. I used to only reboot my computer for software updates once I was completely done because I didn’t want to bookmark all the pages I had open and stuff like that, but now I don’t mind rebooting at all. If you wanted the video above, you can see that everything I had open reopened as soon as the computer started up.

These two features mainly have to do with programs like Pages, Keynote, and Numbers. First is Auto Save. In Mac OS X Lion, programs like pages automatically save. Before this, I always hit Command + S like every second just incase the power went out or Pages quit unexpectedly. Now, you no longer have to do anything, pages continuously saves your document so you don’t have to. The next feature is Versions. It would have been very helpful a few months ago back when I had school. I made a keynote, saved it, quit, and opened it back up the next day. I then realized that I hated the change I made. I had to delete what I changed and tried to make it look like it did before. Versions works like Time Machine and saves changes that you make to your document. If you want to go back to a previous version, you just open versions, and click on the version of the document you want to go back to.

The last feature I’m going to talk about is Launchpad. I like the concept, but I think Apple still has a lot more to do with it. You can open Launchpad by pinching with your thumb and three fingers. It looks very similar to Apple’s iPad home screen. You have all your apps and folders and you can move things around and sort them how you want. The problem that I see is you can do the same thing in the applications folder,which is accessible anywhere on the mac through the dock. I think that if Apple let you use launchpad as a home screen, it would be a much better feature. Hopefully, Apple will take more advantage of Launchpad in a future update because I see a lot of potential in it.


Cinch: Easy window management for Mac OS X

I use my Mac every day. I'm constantly viewing multiple web pages and documents. Resizing each window used to be such a headache, until a friend recommended Cinch.

This Irradiated Software production is a simple and intuitive solution to window management on Mac OS X. Simply move the application window to either the left or right screen edge to fill the corresponding half of the screen. Or, to make a window fullscreen, just drag and hold it to the top side of your screen. When you see the grey box expand (indicating the new size), simply let go and the window will resize; simple as that! When you're done, simply drag the 'Cinched' window away from the screen edge and it'll return to its normal size.

Cinch can be found at Irradiated Software's website for the amazing price of $7. Not convinced by my description? Download the free trial and you'll soon see how useful this little tool is.

Thanks for reading. If you liked this post, be sure to check out my personal blog, thanks.