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Entries in music (37)


Why Choose The iPhone?

There are so many pros and cons with apple's iPhone but here are four reasons you should consider buying:

The Touch Screen
The beautiful touch screen is probably the main reason I chose the iPhone over so many other smart phones on the market. It's display is not only smooth to the touch, but incredibly responsive. Other devices feature touch computability, but lack a glass touch display which makes the device much less responsive. The iPhone's touch screen is also heat sensitive which I noticed was a small, but great feature when I compared the iPhone to the Voyager and Dare. Why you might ask? Because the Voyager AND Dare can automatically unlock themselves in your pocket from loose change or pens touching the screen or lock button. The phone then calls people, goes on thewebor downloads something without the user's permission.

The App Store
While other phones like the Storm (by BlackBerry) and other smart phones running Windows Mobile do have a store for purchasing and downloading applications for the device remotely, Apple obviously tops their stores by far. The App store not only reaches a wide variety ofusers, from teens to adults, but offers applications that take complete advantage of the phones other hardware and software.

The iTunes Store
Purchasing music on the go is something that has been offered with mobile phones for quite some time now. However, none of them offered purchasing from the #1 music provider world-wide until now. With the iPhone, you can purchase any some from the iTunes store with just a tap of your finger. Even though it has a different layout, it still has all the functionality of buying from yourdesktop. I mainly found the store useful when my friends and were hanging out possibly at dinner or watching football and there was music playing. With the iTunes Store app, and after asking someone what the song was, I could buy the song straight from my device and not worry about writing it down or forgetting it later.

The Price
Finally, the pricing. I will admit, just for all those haters of the iPhone out there that the original price of $600 was outrageous. However, now that its merely $199, the pricing is no different between say the iPhone and a BlackBerry Storm. The plan is expensive just like any other smart phone's plan would be. However, unlike other phones, the iPhone has built-in WifiNetworking. So, whenever you're in a Wifi zone, you can save a little money on your phone bill while other smart phones can't.

Just a few reasons why YOU should choose iPhone.


"No Line On the Horizon" Will Be Released on March 3rd


        Hey everyone!  My name is Kyle and this is my first blog post for  I am 18 years old and I live in Northern California.  I would like to thank David for accepting my writer application, it really means a lot to me.    As my first blog  post I would like to give you some good news.  U2 will be releasing their new album, “No Line On the Horizon” on March 3rd.  I have been a U2 fan for awhile and this is some exciting news for me, and hopefully for you guys too.  So make sure you guys get this on your calendars!  Here are the tracks that are going to be on the album:


1. No Line On The Horizon

2. Magnificent

3. Moment of Surrender

4. Unknown Caller

5. I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight

6. Get On Your Boots

7. Stand Up Comedy

8. Fez - Being Born

9. White As Snow

10. Breathe

11. Cedars Of Lebanon

*****“Get On Your Boots” is available to listen to on their site.

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