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Entries in portfolio (7)


Getting Started with Personal Branding

Personal branding has been a hot topic on the Web for quite some time – you must have at least heard of the phrase. Many are writing about it, some are thinking about doing it, and then there are the few who actually practice what they preach. In the next three articles I will present a short overview of personal branding tools and methods, so if you're interested, read on!



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Wonderful Web Tools for Visual Storytelling

People love pretty pictures. If you want to create content for the Web, this is something you should keep in mind. Images are often described as being “worth a thousand words” and, when chosen appropriately, they usually make the written content more interesting, memorable and shareable.

Since the majority of popular blogging platforms emphasizes text as a primary means of expression and/or communication, I went looking for something else. I wanted to find a web app that puts images in the spotlight and lets them carry the story – and I found two. Cowbird and Jux are two completely different web apps that share a common goal: making visual storytelling easy and wonderful.

Cowbird or Birdcow?

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Portfoliobox - All You Need to Build a Website

Website Icon

Creating a website used to be difficult. Not anymore – nowadays almost everyone has a website or at least a blog, thanks to different CMS solutions and blogging platforms that make it possible to build a website in just a few clicks.

Of course, the range of available options varies from service to service, and so does the level of customization you can perform. If you're not too finicky, but still want a beautiful website, may I recommend Portfoliobox?


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7:58AM A New Life for Your Resume logo


Infographics became wildly popular a couple of years ago, and they're still going strong. Presenting information in a creative and easily digestible manner is especially appealing to job seekers, which is why many of them decide to put a spin on the traditional resume. You can do it, too. For free. Easier than ever – with

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Pressfolios - Perfect Resumes for Writers

Pressfolios is an amazing service aimed specifically at writers, and I cannot even begin to describe how happy I was when I found out about it. In essence it provides the same functionality that Zerply has, but it is tailored for bloggers, journalists and everyone who produces text for a living.

Pressfolios Sample Profile

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