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Entries in traveling (17)


Learn Japanese Easily with Mind Snacks iPhone App

There are some really great apps out there for learning different languages, especially French and Spanish. But there is a shocking lack of apps available for Japanese, and that was a problem when I found out I would be spending time there later this year. I am always on the go, so finding a quick way to pick up some conversational and written Japanese are critical.

Someone recommended MindSnacks, and I am really glad they did. Not only has it helped me to prepare for my trip much more thoroughly than I had been expecting, but it was fun getting there.

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Fuel+ iPhone App Review: Track Your Gas Spending

I do a budget every six months, just to make sure money is going where it needs to be, and I couldn't be saving some cash here or there. Most of my bills stay the same, within a small margin that is easy to adjust when necessary. But one area that is really hard to keep a handle on is gas for my car. I just never seem to know what I am spending, or what I will need. Especially with the price jumping so much from week to week.

While I tried to keep track, it wasn't easy when I had to do mini refills, or ended up driving more than usual. So I got Fuel+ to do it for me.

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iTranslate for iPhone: Translate 60 Languages

When I went on a trip recently to another country, I had to brush up on some basic language skills from the region. But it became apparent that this was not going to be enough to get me through the almost month I was going to be abroad, and that I was going to need a little extra help. After all, I wasn't always going to be buying a coffee or asking where the bathroom was.

That is when I found iTranslate, a fun little app that is compatible with over sixty different languages.

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FlyNRate iPhone App: Real Flight and Airport Ratings

Avid travelers will have their share of airline horror stories. Some are filled with minor inconveniences, such as delayed flights on the tarmac or cancellations that led to a longer wait for another plane. But some are truly awful, and I have friends who have gotten food poisoning from the meals, had airlines claim their ticket was never purchased despite confirmation numbers, and even one friend only twenty pounds (give or take) overweight being forced to buy a second seat, despite causing no complications for other passengers.

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SpotCayman Video Review: Free iPhone App to Explore Cayman Islands

Are you planning on visiting the Cayman Islands? The territory, made up of Grand Cayman, Little Cayman and Cayman Brac, is a gorgeous region. Blue skies, sun, beaches and ocean...these are only a few of the draws that bring so many people there every year. Tourists flock to it in order to get away from the stresses of every day life.

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