Modern Warfare 2 "Special-Ops" Details
Today G4TV stopped by at Infinity Ward and played Special-Ops the new Co-Op mode for Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2. It looks very similar to the missions in Call of Duty 4 called 'Hunted and Death From Above'. The mission in this video is called "Overwatch". Which one player needs to get from point A to point B in a limited time, while the other player is controlling an AC-130 gunship and the catch is there is waves and waves of enemies thats why your partner is in a AC-130. This mission looks very hectic and that can be good. The textures look very nice and the detail is amazing. All we can do now is wait two weeks for most likely on of the best games ever made in terms to Next-gen FPS. Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2 releases on November 10,2009 for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. Watch towards the end of the video and watch the AC-130 take out the helicopter. EPIC.

Reader Comments (1)
This game looks insane!