Black Air Jacket Set for iPod touch 2G / iPhone 3G
The black air jacket set for iPod Touch 2G case and protective LCD film. After having my iPod touch for over a year, I thought it was time to get a protective case. When I bought this item for a whoppin' 29.95 at the Apple Store. I said oh well it will be worth it. Not many come with a LCD protector. The black back case fit well and was very uncomplicated, but what bothered me was the case was a big piece of plastic with black paint. But I decided, What the hay? It looks good, after a couple days of using it i found that the paint chipped near the edge and was cracked... and I said, "what the F..." So it was a poor case which did not fit my needs, so that ticked me off... Now to the LCD protector film. I thought this would help a lot because my screen gets dirty like crazy... It came with 2 pieces of film, one crystal, and one anti-glare. I don't know the difference but I do know my opinion... Well to use this, you have to be speedy Gonzales at it. You have to take the film and put it on your iPod in less then 5 seconds or it will catch dirt and dust, and cat or dog hair and put air bubbles all over your screen, witch pissed me off. I tried both films and they both were dirty.
So all and all, my final comment is "Use your 29.95 on a better product." with a 1.5 out of 5 stars I call this a dud.
Thanks for reading!
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