Be Proud To Be A Geek
So what’s out there? What are the common stereotypes that get played with my fellow geeks and I? That we can’t speak to females romantically? That we only listen to classical music? That we are very very organized all the time? That we were bullied in high school? The list goes on and it has been growing for years. The way that geeks and nerds like me are portrayed in films and television and todays society in general does irritate me a bit, especially because not all of the stereotypes are true. Sure most of us are smart, I mean my IQ is 141. Sure we may not workout too much or do anything very physical, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be healthy and thriving.
Take me for example. I listen to classical music, don’t workout, I’m not very good with females romantically, my IQ is 141 and I am very organized. I may be the stereotypical “nerd”, but not everyone of us are like that. One of my best friends right now actually played football in high school, works out everyday and is such a huge nerd. We met in college. What is funny is that he would be friends with those jerks in high school who shoved me in lockers and gave me swirly’s and put me in the trash can. Yet, he is one of my best friends right now. I know a fellow geek who is obsessed with hip hop music and attempting to get with girls, yet he is in my computer science major at my college and has built two computers with me. It’s all relative. What I am trying to imply is that anyone can be a nerd and anyone can be smart. And these stereotypes us nerds and geeks get aren’t always true.
The stereotypes don’t end though, and neither does the ridicule. You get used to it though when you realize that you will be making money being smart and those jocks who beat you up in high school will be unemployed and maybe even homeless one day. Being smart pays off in the long run. Don’t waist your life trying to be “cool” and “in” with the popular guys because in the long run you will be the one with the money and love of a beautiful girlfriend and family, and they will be no where. I’m going into my 20’s very very soon, working at Apple in NYC, and doing very very well for my age because I am smart and worked hard. If there’s one piece of advice I try to give to people still in high school and middle school, it’s do very well in school while you still have the chance. You may get ridiculed in your school now, but in the long run it will all be worth it. Perspective is key. I know this may seem random but I felt the need to share with my fellow nerds, especially in a great community and social blog like this one. Geeks unite!
Happy Holidays!

Reader Comments (3)
I'm proud to be a geek. Even if I don't fit the typical mold.
I'm a geek, but I also have a strong passion for fashion.
I build computers, and I do freelance makeup.
I'm tired of stereotypes, I can be smart, and I can be my own person too. Just because I like computers, get good grades and read a lot of books doesn't mean I'm a geek who is overly organized. I wish people would stop trying to fit other people into boxes.
Wow, This article is just what I needed after my crappy day. I play soccer and I'm the biggest geek in alabama,haha...Thank you so much for writing this!
Anytime. I always like cheering up a fellow geek. :] I really dislike when people stereotype me and make fun me for being a nerd, but I just keep it all in perspective and look at the future and being successful. Also, just because you are a geek, doesn't mean you are weak. I may be weak, but like I said, I know football players who are nerds.