Nexus One Uninvited To Ice Cream Sandwich Party
Ice Cream Sandwich looks great, comes in vanilla on the Galaxy Nexus, is coming to the Droid RAZR in early 2012, but not for the Nexus One.
Google has officially labeled it “Too Old”. Although Nexus S owners will be getting ICS in “the next few weeks.” Google is planning to get Nexus S owners ICS just after the release of the Galaxy Nexus.
The only problem with the Nexus One being to old is that it was released on January 5, 2010 so it’s under two years old. Everyone who bought it at launch on T-Mobile on a 2 year contract is technically still under contract.
The iPhone 3GS, released on June 19, 2009 is over 2 years old. The 3GS also just got iOS 5. Apple doesn’t seem to think that the 3GS is too old.
The Nexus One also has better specs than the 3GS.

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