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Steve Jobs, 6 Weeks to Live: My Thoughts

I don't usually post personal blog posts on TekSocial, but this I might just to gather everyone's opinions.Jobs, back in the day Please, set aside 5-10 minutes of your time to read and comment on this post.

It has been announced in various news articles that Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, who took time off to focus on his health, has been given 6 weeks to live. This is due to the fact that he has pancreatic cancer, which grows on part of your digestive system. For the faint hearted, the pancreas is a 6-inch long gland and is shaped like a leaf. It provides insulin, unless you're diabetic and releases hormones which revolve around digestion. 

Earlier on, I watched a video Chris Pirillo recorded and published to YouTube, claiming that when he announced the news to his near 92,000 followers on Twitter, a 'kid' messaged him back saying that he will 'celebrate his death'. Why? I'm unsure.

What Jobs has created, a company that only recently claimed the top spot of the computing market, a music device range that has changed the music industry and the people around us, why must someone come to their senses and say such a negitive and disgusting thing. Sure, he may be a kid, no younger than 13 unless his parents don't know he's on Twitter but use some common sense at least, especially when you're talking to a person you don't know in person who has so much power on the internet.

If Jobs pulls through his hard time, or not, we should all remember what Steve has created. A range of products that has made us, 'Think Differently'.


Reader Comments (10)

I would be extremely sad if Jobs left this world. He's a revolutionary the world would be a worse place without him!

February 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel Higgins

Yep. Apple stands today because of Jobs.

February 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKenneth

As Chris Pirillo stated several times, we would not be where we are right now if it wasn't for Steve Jobs. He is by far one of the most influential figures in modern history, the day he is no longer with us will be extremely tragic. Hopefully he can pull through this tough time and keep innovating the way we live.

The child who made the comment in response to Chris was probably an anti-Apple person, and thought it would be humorous to make a comment like the one he made. Hopefully he has learned that celebrating someones death is completely and utterly disgusting.

Get Well Soon Steve Jobs!

February 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRob Guthertz

I'm not trying to be rude here or anything like that, but, Steve Jobs didn't just create a range of products. He changed the game. Apple II: the first user-friendly home-computer. Macintosh: Introduced the mouse. iPod: Music for everyone. iMac: let's you think of what you're doing instead of what your computer is up to. iPhone: Introduced the touch-screen. iPad: who knows, maybe we'll all have a suft-tablet in near future.

My point is, there's more to Apple than just the products.

February 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGaxnys

This post, is a very good post. They day that my idol, Steve Jobs dies... I will try my best not to die. I really hate how people start rumors like this... Though it could be a true rumor, but I don't want Jobs to die. :( I don't want anyone to die. It's said that we all do)

February 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMax

The various news articles you mentioned all claim they got their story from the National Enquirer, which is a very unreliable tabloid magazine. Steve jobs is not dying any time soon. Also he met with President Obama today, and from the official photos taken from the meeting, he seemed to be fine. He wasn't hooked up to any machine and it did not seem like he lost a lot of weight. So I think everyone should just stop talking about it and stop this depressing and retarded rumor from continuing to spread.

February 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCam

Unfortunately when you're in the public eye like Jobs is, the public and the media can put you up there with the best, but they can also bring you down with negative comments just as easily, and when you least need it... I think the comments some people have made are incredibly distasteful and I hope they learn their lesson one day...Unfortunately when stories like this get media attention or attention on social websites, it can often, unsurprisingly, have a negative effect on the person in question. I'm just going off what I've seen happen to other celebrities with ill-health that the media and the general public have torn to shreds (quite literally) with terrible comments and headlines in papers about their health...and life.

I hope to see some positive comments by the public and the media to try and turn this negative distasteful backlash around...for Steve's sake...

February 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKatrinaUK

I feel that when stories like this appear, we should all reflect on our own mortality!

Now I am the first to admit that I haven't always been Steve Jobs' biggest fan and don't always agree with everything he has done, but that said I have the upmost respect for the guy, for what he has done for the technology industry, not forgetting there is so much more to Steve Jobs then just Apple. When he left Apple and started Next, his operating system was so good that Apple acquired Next and this formed the foundation of what is Mac OS X. He also acquired Pixar animation studios which has revolutionized the animation industry which was subsequently sold to Disney and made Jobs the largest shareholder in Disney.

I urge anyone that wants to learn how to deliver a solid presentation to take time and study the Steve Jobs keynote speeches as he is truly the master of it.

I am in the UK but it is my understanding that the whole 6 week thing is based on doctors comments about his appearance in tabloid photographs, however if this speculation is true, I have no doubt Apple will be his legacy but I hope he is remembered as one of the greatest business leaders of our generation, the man was born to make money!!!

As for people saying they will celebrate when Steve Jobs' dies, I find this disturbing. It goes to show that whether it be a homeless person in the street or someone who is worth billions of dollars, cancer does not discriminate as it it can, and does effect anyone. I consider myself fortunate enough to have not witnessed anyone personally cope with this terrible disease, but my thoughts and prayers are with the friends and families of all victims of this illness.

February 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBlakey1978

Not to be rude, but I think people are misinterpreting the comment made about "celebrating" Steve Jobs' death. I think that, like I have heard before, you celebrate the life and legacy of that person. He most likely is not actually talking about celebrating the physical death of Steve Jobs, but celebrating the life and legacy he lived. Celebrating all that he created and the impact which he has had on the tech industry. This is just my take on the subject, and I certainly wish Steve stays with us for many more years.

February 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDrSmurf023

The guy who said that they would celebrate his death is completely stupid and insensitive. He's clearly a Windows user who has bottled up hatred towards Apple. It'll be a sad day when Jobs passes. I sure will be.

February 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

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