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Why Not to Buy Verizon iPhone 4

There is one reason only to buy the new Verizon CDMA iPhone 4 February 10, 2011 (pre-orders have already begun). If you believe Verizon's CDMA network with its wider coverage will give you better voice quality and less dropped calls then go for it. I live in Nashville and ATT is fine here. My iPhone 4 drops maybe one call every other week. Would Verizon do better? Maybe, but ATT's coverage is fine for me. Now, lets look at a number of compelling reasons not to buy the Verizon iPhone.

First, unlike ATT's GSM network, Verizon's CDMA network can not use voice and data at same time. This is a big deal. I've opened Safari, Twitter and Facebook while on calls before. Anyone want to use turn by turn navigation on their iPhone? On the Verizon iPhone you'd have to dissconnect to answer a call. Second, the iPhone 4 is quite old now. Every generation of iPhone has been released in June and there is no reason to think the iPhone 5 won't be here then. Thus, in four months there will be a newer better iPhone. You think Verizon is going to let you upgrade without a significant fee? Third, while Verizon has wider coverage for voice, their data speeds are slower than ATT. This is a fact despite all the 4G commercials you might see.

Lastly, a small percentage of you might travel internationally. With an ATT iPhone you can swap sim cards and use it. The Verizon iPhone can not work outside of the United States. I'm sure sales are going to be huge as Verizon has millions of customers who have been waiting for the iPhone. Sadly, many do not realize these issues and might regret their purchase.

Reader Comments (11)

I 100% disagree with this article. Just give up with the no simultaneous voice and data argument! Seriously everybody knows about it and obviously it does not matter to a lot of people because 94 million people (myself included) live their lives without it. Also there is absolutely no reason not to buy a Verizon iPhone now. Yes the iPhone 5 will probably come out in June but, I think it is pretty safe to say that it is just going to be what the 3Gs was as opposed to the 3G. However, if this is not the case one could easily sell their iPhone 4 on eBay for MUCH more than they payed for it if they bought it subsidized.

February 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterTy Carlson

Well, Verizon isn't going to let you out of your contract so the MUCH more you think you'll get will do down the drain. The iPhone 5 coming in June is likely to be ATT only. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying don't buy an iPhone. Just saying it is terrible to time to buy an iPhone 4 and IMO ATT > Verizon at least for the time being. BTW, I didn't even mention how Verizon is stating they will throttle the top 5% of bandwidth users. Geez, why don't they wait and see how much their network suffers once 10 million iPhones hit it.

What are you talking about?!?!? You can get a new phone while your in contract whenever you want, you just have to pay full retail. Also the retail on Apple products is ALWAYS superb. Finally the only people that Verizon will be throttling are the people who have jailbroken iPhones and use them tethered to there laptops. So why don't you go and play with your elmo dolls you got there and stop spreading false information.

February 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterTy Carlson

Look, I'll be nice because this isn't my site to flame you on, but you are 100% incorrect. In your first comment you talk about making money from buying it subsidized and then you talk about paying full retail. Which is it?

You seem un-informed which is the main point of the post. There is no such thing as a jailbroken Verizon iPhone at the moment. Verizon will throttle the high users. Has nohting to do with jailbreaking. Second, you realize the main selling point for the Verizon iPhone is the personal hotspot. Thus, there is no need to tether them to anything since they can connect 5 devices via wifi.

1. If you buy the iPhone 4 at a subsidized price now at $199 and sell it for the $500 the go for on eBay, and then finally buy the new iPhone 5 for full retail at $499 you are really only paying $200 for the iPhone 5.

2. Uhh yes there is such a thing. The Verizon iPhone will be jailbroken the exact same way it is now. It's the same d**m OS.

3. The hotspot feature is a $20 extra fee. With a jailbroken iPhone you only have to pay for the data plan you already have. People like this are the reason that Verizon in going to throttle the to 5% because they are bandwidth hogs.

So once again do not try and tell me that I am uninformed when really you have no clue what you are talking about.

February 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterTy Carlson

I thought I would make a post to counter the points to your video, not in a disrespectful way, but in a way I feel counters all of your points.

1) You can use voice and data at the same time if you are on a Wi-Fi network. So you hare half correct. You can not if you are on 3G. However, the points you made were: sitting in your kids room playing with them and they want to use your phone (most people have Wi-Fi in their homes so that would be a none issue) and in a conference at work (first, you should be working not browsing and second there is definitely Wi-Fi at a business that is having a conference). So I think this one is really a non-issue. Especially if you are already on Verizon, you know about it and it does not bother you.

2)The new iPhone 5 will be a minimal upgrade to the iPhone 4. They won't do anything big until LTE is ready.

3)Hotspot. You are correct, but you should be paying attention to the phone call, not the internet.

4)It may be faster, but in real world tests you won't really notice it much.

Those are just some reasons for why I think you are incorrect, and that the Verizon iPhone is just as good. Actually better because you can make a phone call without having to worry about it dropping!

February 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTim F

I think that apple selling the iphone with verizon is a smart idea because then they can sell more of them there are some places that at&t doesn't cover

February 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Carr

I'm a total Verizon fanboy but some of these arguments talking about how great the Verizon iPhone is need to just go away. However I need to point out that your wrong about Verizon's network not being able to handle voice and data. Some phones like my Verizon Android let me talk and use the web simultaneously all the time. I'm not quite sure where all these people seem to be getting this false information. Most likely because there all AT&T fanboys, LOL. Also, you must understand some people like myself live in an area where there's literally no AT&T service so even if I wanted the AT&T iPhone I couldn't get one.

February 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterThe Lone Blogger

The Verizon iPhone is a win-win for both At&t and Verizon users.

1. More competition ---> Better, cheaper service.
2. More choice for consumers. Allows people to switch back and forth.
3. A new, large group of iPhone users.

February 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenternomadmtb

And as a follow up on my last comment (2 comments above this one) If you want to use voice and data on your Verizon Android device. You need to root your android device and use a program called CDMA Crosshair Switcher.

February 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterThe Lone Blogger

Welp I am going to get mine tomorrow and I can't wait for when I get home and make that first call from my house where AT&T didn't let me.

February 9, 2011 | Registered CommenterAlex Wolfe

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