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Entries in verizon iphone (7)


Verizon Activiated 2.3 Million iPhones in Second Quarter

On Friday, Verizon report a really strong second quarter with the earnings of $3.6 billion on top of the total operating revenues of $27.5 billion. That’s a huge increase of 2.8% year-over-year increase. Many companies would die to have this!

In Friday, Verizon introduced Apple’s iPhone to their service. They recently reported 2.3 million iPhone activations in the second quarter of 2011. In the first quarter, Verizon activated 2.2 million iPhone’s, so a slightly better increase. To be realistic, the Smartphones are overpowering everything. 36% of Verizon’s retail are smarphones.

You can’t forget the popular iPad with Verizon. They have around 2.2 million new connections! In simple words, the Verizon iPhone is a great success.

You can read the full earnings report here.

What are you thoughts about this topic? Leave your comments in the comment section!

[via TechJohnson]


Verizon Test Man with iPhone 4

Verizon is getting better and better with advertising. Now they have the iPhone 4. With this advertisement, it blew me away. Verizon really did an amazing job on this commercial. It's encouraging me to live Verizon more and that's pretty sad considering  before they received the iPhone, I hated them. Don't get me wrong, I still love AT&T, but Verizon's ads are starting to pull me to them.


Verizon iPhone 4 Unboxing

Three years in the making and it's finally come true. The Verizon iPhone, after an endless amount of rumors and speculations is a reality. On January 11, 2011, Verizon and Apple premiered the iPhone 4 and on February 8 and February 10, you were able to pre-order/purchase your iPhone 4. Today, I unbox for you the Verizon iPhone 4.



Why Not to Buy Verizon iPhone 4

There is one reason only to buy the new Verizon CDMA iPhone 4 February 10, 2011 (pre-orders have already begun). If you believe Verizon's CDMA network with its wider coverage will give you better voice quality and less dropped calls then go for it. I live in Nashville and ATT is fine here. My iPhone 4 drops maybe one call every other week. Would Verizon do better? Maybe, but ATT's coverage is fine for me. Now, lets look at a number of compelling reasons not to buy the Verizon iPhone.

First, unlike ATT's GSM network, Verizon's CDMA network can not use voice and data at same time. This is a big deal. I've opened Safari, Twitter and Facebook while on calls before. Anyone want to use turn by turn navigation on their iPhone? On the Verizon iPhone you'd have to dissconnect to answer a call. Second, the iPhone 4 is quite old now. Every generation of iPhone has been released in June and there is no reason to think the iPhone 5 won't be here then. Thus, in four months there will be a newer better iPhone. You think Verizon is going to let you upgrade without a significant fee? Third, while Verizon has wider coverage for voice, their data speeds are slower than ATT. This is a fact despite all the 4G commercials you might see.

Lastly, a small percentage of you might travel internationally. With an ATT iPhone you can swap sim cards and use it. The Verizon iPhone can not work outside of the United States. I'm sure sales are going to be huge as Verizon has millions of customers who have been waiting for the iPhone. Sadly, many do not realize these issues and might regret their purchase.


Why You Shouldn't Buy the Verizon iPhone 4

If you are a Verizon customer and want an iPhone, by now you probably already know that it’s going to be available on Verizon in early February. I know many of you are going to get it, but personally, I would wait until later this year. That’s because Apple has released a new version of the iPhone every year, so there most likely will be a new version this year, too. If you get the Verizon iPhone 4 now, you’ll be stuck with it because of the contract. Lastly, the next generation iPhone on Verizon may be 4G. Also, don’t switch from an AT&T iPhone to a Verizon iPhone because of the hotspot feature. There have been many reports that the hotspot feature will come with along the iOS 4.3 update. Lastly, the Verizon iPhone acts like any other CDMA phone, meaning you cannot use data and phone at the same time
