Black Vs. White iPad?
As you all know, I am purchasing myself a New iPad next month, but, I don't know what colour I should pick. I was speaking with David Di Franco (YouTube: thecreativeone, Twitter: @DavidDiFranco) and Bob Roche (YouTube: cpukid00, Twitter: @cpukid) about the White iPad and they delivered their opinions. I probably will just go with the Black model. But only time will tell.
(Shout-out to David and Bob).
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Submitted by Kieran Smith Mar 21, 2012 at 2:36 PM in Apple, iPad, iPad 3 tagged "black ipad", "bob roche", "david di franco", "thecreativone", "what ipad color should I get?", "white ipad", @DavidDiFranco, @cpukid, cpukid00, kieran, kieransmithtech, smith
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