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Entries by Alex H. Yong (4)


WD® Gives Consumers A Cloud Of Their Own 

WD now offers its new My Cloud™ family of personal cloud solutions. The goal is to say goodbye to the hot mess of scattered photos, videos, songs, personal and business files strewn across your different devices. You think your digital files are chaotic now?

Well, research firm Gartner predicts the average household will own approximately 3.3 terabytes (TB) of digital content by 2016. It’s not a far-fetched estimate. Many American households have 6 or more connected devices already, and it seems we love adding more and more. With so many different machines under one roof, a personal cloud is the simple solution that just plain makes sense.

WD says My Cloud allows any person to secure files from different computers and mobile devices and then have access to those files from any device, from anywhere in the world. And not only can you store all your files, but the My Cloud desktop app allows you to organize them with simple and intuitive navigation. Tame the chaos, centralize, get organized - Sounds good to me!  By simply connecting a My Cloud personal cloud drive to the internet, consumers get the same convenience of “anywhere access” as they would from a public cloud, without having to pay monthly fees or giving up control of their personal data.   “We believe that there’s no place like home for the cloud,” said WD exec Jim Welsh.

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Connected Home Options and More at "Future of Home Living" Exhibit

Trend report and hands-on exhibit on modern home life now available to read and visit 

"Future of Home Living" exhibit 

Making your house or apartment "uniquely you" is fun, and in 2013, options for a better home continue to grow, mainly through tech. However, the think-tank and media firm PSFK is letting us know, through a hands-on exhibit and report, that enhancements for modern home living aren't confined purely to tech.  The exhibit helps show us ways for making life at home more comfortable, connected and smart by using not only technology, but forward-thinking services, as well as products that adapt. Major areas like retail, social media, work, leisure/gaming, and mobile were studied in-depth by PSFK Labs, resulting in their Future of Home Living report, which is available as a PDF file. The exhibit is free to attend and is located in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood.

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First Impressions of LG's G2 Flagship Smartphone

After listening to detailed feedback from savvy and regular smartphone users, LG announced they created a new, slim, powerful phone with the longer battery life people were asking for. During the design phases, LG believed meeting those demands would only come through the use of an impressive chipset, combined with clever engineering to outshine the competition. Eventually, the finalized phone was named the G2, and it was unveiled on August 7, 2013.

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2 Tricks For Finding What You've Said On Google Plus

If you've given advice all over Google Plus, it's very easy to forget where all this helpful, sage advice resides. What if you want to search your own posts and comments in a relatively painless way? Try these two tips.

First scenario: You're searching for comments you've left on Google Plus posts originated by other users.

Adding a hyphen before inurl colon in the Google Plus search bar will let us do this. Your query should look like this:

["bnmbyour name" -inurl:x

(Replace x with your Google Plus profile number)

searching for comments you've left on G+ posts originated by other users

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