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Entries in Advertising (4)


How To Block Adverts on Facebook & Youtube

Blocking adverts on Facebook & Youtube is just as easy as blocking other ads on the internet. Simply Install and activate Adblock Plus.

The kinds of adverts you see on Youtube and Facebook are very different. On Youtube you get some banners, overlay adverts and video adverts. The video adverts are short videos played before content, I often find they are actually the same adverts I see on TV! The overlay adverts pop-up a little way into the video, can either be text or banner and obscure the video. That's exactly the kind of advert, one that obscures the content, that is explicitly forbidden in the Adblock Plus acceptable ads policy. Luckily all 3 of the ad types on Youtube get blocked by default with APB.

Facebook Adverts are something altogether different, they have 7 standard formats and many more supplemental formats. Blocking all of those is a bit more complicated, luckily Adblock and their awesome community have you covered.

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How To Block Online Adverts

You don’t have to see adverts on Facebook, Youtube – or anywhere else on the internet for that matter.

There’s no denying that the whole internet is plastered with adverts, many of them are either annoying, intrusive or both. That’s the kind of advertising that you definitely don’t want to be subjected to. And it’s exactly the kind of adverts that Adblock Plus wants to get rid of.

Many of the ads online are banner adverts, some of them are out of the way but most of them are placed above the fold or within the flow of content. Because of that we’ve become so used to seeing them with the rest of the content that we often look past them as if they weren’t even there. It’s called banner blindness and it’s one of the reasons that adverts keep getting more and more intrusive.

It’s so easy to set up adblocking in your browser all you need to do is install and activate the awesome Adblock Plus plugin.

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The Hidden Costs of "Free" Apps

Most Smartphone users know that free apps are often filled with advertising to make-up for the potential revenue lost from a user not paying for the application. While these ads allow free apps to exist they are also rather annoying and distract from any actual content. However, it is not well know that they could also pose a risk to your beloved Smartphone and possible even yourself.

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What’s So Bad About The Ad? Get A Mac Ads vs Laptop Hunters Ads, Why It All Evens Out.


The one thing that really bothers me about advertising is that most of the time all of the time they aren’t true. One thing that bothers me even more, is that people go out and criticize the ads, my self included. It’s human nature, that’s for sure, to critique.

Perhaps one of the most common advertisements you could see people criticizing are the Laptop Hunters ads by Microsoft, which aim at people looking to buy a laptop within a certain price range, and the Get a Mac ads by Apple, which are aimed at PC users who are frustrated with their computer.

myself, have even criticized the Laptop Hunters ads, along with several other YouTubers, including thecreativeone and cockyjeremy. The reason for criticizing the ads is quite simple, we are the opposing team, or side. The PC users criticize our ads, therefore we criticize their ads.

But that’s not the only reason. We, as humans, have the logic to know that ads are there to promote the opposing “faction” and we see it as “cheap”, or as a lie. For instance, the Get A Mac ads by Apple usually summarize PCs by associating them with viruses, sluggish performance, and more for the business people.Whereas Microsoft’s Laptop Hunters ads will display Macs as too expensive.

But it all evens out.

No matter what side you are on, you are going to have to accept the truth and realize that all ads are biased and completely untrue, in a sense.

It just depends on what side you’re on.


My Bite Into Apple