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Entries in Android (63)


Ubuntu for Android

It's a high-end phone AND a desktop computer in one and it's coming soon to enhance your work and personal life. What you get is the ability to simply dock your phone and it will become a laptop or desktop computer.

With Ubuntu for Android you get the best of both - the worlds most popular open source mobile operating system running alongside the worlds most popular free desktop operating system. Neither operating system is watered-down or scaled-back, you get the full featured versions of both. This is Ubuntu and Android working side-by-side in harmony.

A docked Android for Ubuntu phone

How it Works

When you dock the phone Ubuntu will start-up. When you un-dock the phone Ubuntu will still store it's data, but all the processing power gets directed back to Android. You don't ever get a sluggish mobile experience caused by Ubuntu.

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Review of TuneIn Radio for iOS and Android

I like listening to music on both my iPad and iPhone. I also like listening to the radio. I don't have to worry about adding new songs to some playlist, the radio just continues to play music all day, and all night, the only breaks being commercials. The radio stations that I do like, have iPhone apps, but the issue with them is the audio quality is quite poor. One day I started to look for some music apps on the App Store, and I came across TuneIn Radio. After a few minutes of using it, I loved it.

What is TuneIn Radio?

TuneIn Radio allows you to listen to radio stations of many different genres, from all around the world. No matter what your tastes in music may be, chances are this app has the station for you. According to its description in iTunes: "TuneIn offers over 70,000 stations and 2 million on demand programs for you to choose from." In other words, you have a lot of choice when it comes to music. 



  • Pause and rewind the station your listening to.
  • Add your favorite stations to your presets.
  • Shake your iPhone to hear new stations based on what you like.
  • Share a station, song, or show on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Alarm clock.
  • Play music in the background.
  • Play music over Airplay.

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Gardening App for iPhone / Android: MyRose

MyRose is the fun free app that lets you grow your own flow right inside your iPhone! Ypu can water it and add some futilizers (the latter is the premium option)

It takes 30 days to grow a rose, so you better start now!


3 Cool Reading Apps for Android

Not everyone is a book lover, no matter how many times they give it a shot. Let's face it, reading just isn't for everyone. While I am an avid reader, I have many friends who haven't picked up a book since high school and just have no interest in doing so. Their hobbies reside elsewhere.

But not all reading apps are book centric. There are some that cover other literary areas, such as magazines, newspapers and even comic books.

Previously published reviews for book lovers:

For those of you out there that have an Android tablet or phone and are more interested in other formats outside of books, here are three really cool apps you need to check out.

1. Komik


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Video: Shit Android Fanatics Say

We have just shared funny iPhone videos and here we go again: a great response from Android fanatics: Shit Android Fanatics Say!
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