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Entries in cloud (15)


WD® Gives Consumers A Cloud Of Their Own 

WD now offers its new My Cloud™ family of personal cloud solutions. The goal is to say goodbye to the hot mess of scattered photos, videos, songs, personal and business files strewn across your different devices. You think your digital files are chaotic now?

Well, research firm Gartner predicts the average household will own approximately 3.3 terabytes (TB) of digital content by 2016. It’s not a far-fetched estimate. Many American households have 6 or more connected devices already, and it seems we love adding more and more. With so many different machines under one roof, a personal cloud is the simple solution that just plain makes sense.

WD says My Cloud allows any person to secure files from different computers and mobile devices and then have access to those files from any device, from anywhere in the world. And not only can you store all your files, but the My Cloud desktop app allows you to organize them with simple and intuitive navigation. Tame the chaos, centralize, get organized - Sounds good to me!  By simply connecting a My Cloud personal cloud drive to the internet, consumers get the same convenience of “anywhere access” as they would from a public cloud, without having to pay monthly fees or giving up control of their personal data.   “We believe that there’s no place like home for the cloud,” said WD exec Jim Welsh.

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The Value Of The Cloud Is Going Sky High!

It is often said it is best to invest your money in things that you can touch feel and see, such as bricks and water, oil. Gold etc. But maybe it’s time to look at things that are less easy to feel, such as the cloud. The sheer monetary facts would back this idea up at the current value of the cloud is around $117bn and is projected to increase to around $220bn in 2020, the Public cloud alone will be worth around $110bn in 2016!

Currently each sector is spending, on average, $5531 on the cloud but this is expected to treble to $17,958 in 2016 clearly showing that the cloud is becoming an ever increasing importance to businesses and the public sector alike.

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How To Access Your Remote QuickBooks Cloud Server From Your Computer?

It is not surprising to know that even in this internet-dominated age, some individuals are not so comfortable with the use of internet based cloud. Remote access and functionality of the server seem complex to such users but the truth lays in the fact that access to the remote server and working in this environment might actually be simpler than otherwise considered. To demystify the doubts about the complexity of RDC, you can watch the steps below:

Step 1: Click on the ‘Start’ button and type ‘Remote Desktop Connection’ in the Search Box.

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Understanding The Redundant Data Backup Environment In Cloud Hosting

Experts say cloud hosting is completely changing how companies perform their business operations and it is in everyone's interest to adapt to such a change. 73% of small businesses claim that cloud hosting has enabled them to reduce their costs significantly by saving expenses on building their own IT infrastructure.

The Structure of Redundant Cloud Backup Environment

A majority of small businesses also claim that cloud hosting solutions have helped them gain better control of their data. Some also assure cloud hosting of better security which is indeed essential to every business. But factually, how secure is your data with cloud hosting? To completely understand what cloud hosting solutions have to offer in terms of data backup and security, it is important for you to learn a few things about the physical security provided. The hosting environment comprises the following redundant components:

#1: Redundant Internet Connections

Cloud hosting solutions work through the internet. To ensure 99% uptime, several internet connections are made to run simultaneously. There is always a backup connection on standby which can be used when one provider performs poorly or when business operations experience continuous downtime.

#2: Redundant Power Supplies

Backup power supplies are also always on standby. This way, servers still run and continuously operate even in the event of a power outage. Diesel generators are also readily available to run the system until power is fully restored.

#3: Redundant Hardware

In addition to backup power supplies and backup internet connections, cloud hosting solutions are also powered by multiple hard drives. This is another way of ensuring that nothing falls through the crack. Downtime is kept at 1% having a whole system of support with standby hard drive and other essential components ensuring that replacements are made seamlessly in case one of the hardware components fails.

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What Are the Factors Stopping SMBs Moving to the Cloud?

It seems you can’t go anywhere these days without hearing about the benefits of the cloud. It has now reached that special status, like Apple, a search for “Cloud” will bring you information on cloud computing before you get to any search results talking about meteorological phenomena.

One of the things we repeatedly hear about cloud computing is how great it is for SMBs. It will cut costs! It will allow instant scaleability! It will let the operation you’ve just started up in your back room take on Google, Amazon and Apple with your mighty cloud processing power! Yet, despite all the hype, many smaller businesses are extremely reluctant to give cloud computing a go. If the cloud is truly going to realise its potential as the revolutionary game-changer everyone seems to think it is, its evangelists are going to have to realise why people are reluctant to move over, and ask what they can do to assuage those doubts.

So why are people reluctant to move to the Cloud?

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